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"IW-SelBf-h Tri-feT MERCED SUN-STAR Tuesday July 11 1989 B6 1 TRUCK DRIVERS IMMEDIATE OPENING for Seasonal ft permanent vans PASS INSURANCE mature minded person to TiST Study ALMOND FARMWORKER Yearly salary home must have exp Send resume to MSS Box K-25 ft flats Class A license long First Tryl 1-Day form medical current DMV 1 209 226 2261 work In busy doctors office full-time Send resume to 780 Olive Ave 105 Merced Course $19 95 OWNER OPERATORS For interstate hauling Pull our trailers Mileage pay on loaded or empty dispatched miles Requirements: Late model 2 or 3 axle tractor maximum 5th wheel height 48" 1 yr verifiable OTR 36 20th St Mer 1 bd upstairs no pets $200 dep $280 mo 723 8226 723 9061 or 382-0239 MERCEO WEST MANOR 95348 TRUCK DRIVERS RUSTIC Ibd house In Catheys Valley $275 mo $200 dep 383-2906 374-3431 eves PMP Real Estate School 2812 North St Ste 5 384-2M3 2bd Townhouse 3321 Santa Immed Opening for glazer $100 off 1st mo's rent on our 2 ft 1 bd 2 ba units Single For Interstate hauling with double exp Must have 1 year Apply in person: Mer Glass Rosa Ct tC Stove refrlg dw cent heatair private patio exp For more Info Call CHIn da or Dick at 1-800-331-3600 SUMMER Dance ft Mirror Co 1573 Main St exp pulling dbls OTR Gd SPARKLING CLEAN 3 Bd 2 Ba frplc cent heatair 2 car gar $675 mo dep July 15 2324 Lance Mer 383-4737 pay medical benefits vaca carport $390mo Shewey Realty 383-4288 Western Carriers Inc A DM IMMED OPENING for a Ml ALMOND TREE RESTAURANT Has expanded and is now hiring bartenders cocktail ft food servers chef or lead cook Must be well experienced with a friendly outgoing personality Come join the winning team at the new Almond Tree Restaurant ft Lounge App legate Exit off Hwy 99 Atw (No phone calls story ml stove refrlg carpets drapes patio It cvrd prkg 2 bd 8318 3 bd $382-all dep 342 St Call for apptmt M-F 10-4 722 3327 Juty 17-Aug IT Ballet tap azi ft musical theatre The Dancers' Studio 358-3116 tlon pay holiday ft bonus slon of Convaire Internatio pay Bring clean OMV In per Ibd In Cent Merced Stv ref nal 2400 Nickerson Dr grant Education Project Leader The position consists of a total of 18 hrswk for 4 ton or call 1 800-331 3600 rig ac $265 dep Merced Modesto CA 95353 Western Carriers Inc A DM Rental Agency 723 3134 CLASSIFIED ADS 383-7777 402 list St 3bdiva good size rooms stove refrlg ac yard 8 garage $545 $300 dep 358-6361 wks Applicant must have obtained HS diploma or recog slon of Convaire Internatio MER: Sm 1 bd cottage wati garb pd stv refrlg no pets 8260 mo 1250 dep 3844932 1 BDRM apt nal 2400 Nickerson Dr POLICE OFFICER Salary: $1782-52152 Excellent benefits nizable equlv have had 2 let A $0cte8jf Bear Creek area $300 mo utll's 358-9389 aft 6pm please) i yrs exper working wchil Modesto CA 95353 TRUCK DRIVERS Min Requirements: IS yrs of MER: 2 bdrm duplex 403 'O' St stove 8330 mo SHEWEY REALTY 181-4188 APT MGR in Mer for 12 units dren In a migrant education 3bd In Merced Dshwshr wet bar frplc No pets no smokers $700 $500 Merced Rental Agency 723-3134 Dolt 2 BD unfurn 8315-8380 Send resume to: Apt Mgr PO Job security good pay bene age HS Diploma or GED CA Drivers Lie Must have mo 8175-8200 dep all utils Box 392 Llvermore La 94550 tits 1-667-2313 pd exc elec no pets 723-0984 program Application Deadline: 7-13-89 5pm Apply: OMCSS 632 13th St (Rm 9) Merced EOE 1 Guaranteed electrical successfully completed TRUCK DRIVER full time MER: 221 19th St 1 bdrm stv refrlg cent heatair $300 mo incl basic cbl Shewey Realty 183-4266 ATTN: Llcsd Nurses Anber ry Health Care has frt posi 3 bd2 ba avl now patio 1 car CHA fncd for pet $615 HOMI FINDERS 722414) yr round Exper double plumbing fencing roofs heating sewers Celling fans Seniors 5 off Unl 383-4614 basic police academy Obtain application from: Los Banos Police Dept 945 5th St Los tions available all shifts In a good OMV re DUPLEX for sal tor appral sal price 150000 rents J250 ea Into: Po Box taM Mar 95341 ATW 2bd 2ba air shed nice park dlshwshr wshndryer mora tl5000 bo 432-1541 Fleetwood 77 24x48 3 ES ba skirting awning ft air cond To ba moved-614000 665-3136 Lrg 2bd2ba new roof washerdryer refrlg strg shed cent air 1)5000 723-8613 Superior Mobil Homes Far West ft Bayshore Homes 1138 9th Mod Ph 575-1330 SHEWEY REALTY 383-1666 116000 20 52 2 bdrm2 ba tami-V peirk 116500 2 bdrm2 oath almost new carpets 117600 Family section 2 bdrm2 baths 616000 Large living room and master bedroom 824000 Bright sunny 3 bdrm2 baths 625000 2 bdrm2 bath Garden tub 627500 Upgraded 3 bdrmm baths modem rehabiliated nursing Banos CA 93635 826-5135 quired 383-3997 TRUCK DRIVER: Class 2 bd some bills pd pet $360: 2 bd avl 81 1 car pits 8450 1040 SQ FEET 2bd apts Ig patio carport pool basic cable pd small pets OK laundry From 8449 YARDLEY GARDENS 3388 St (209) 723-7431 center Apply In person: 1685 MER: 1 bdrm apartment $285 $250 dep No pets 723-2656 ALARM SYSTEMS ResidentialBuslnesslndust Free estimates Senior disc Shaffer Rd Atw 357-3420 722-4141 current DMV printout Wage Final filing date: 72189 PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT AUTO Dealership has Immed INSIDE SALES Nationwide firm complete training program Must have positive attitude be career minded self-motivated Guaranteed salary commission corporate benefits If you enjoy talking to people in person apply at: 2975 St Merced No phone calls please EOE uut striplings Nursery 722 TRIPP SECURITY SYSTEM 4106 btwn 8-5pm Lie LA002129 3584102 1 BD COTTAGE avl 714 frplc some bills pd $350 HOMI FINDERS 7224143 MER 1 bd stv ref kitchen nook $250 mo 1st last 8200 dep 358-6732722-0691 opening for Service writer foreign ft domestic car For large comml project at Castle AFB Prefer exper on WANTED: Exp packer or 8100 OFF WINTON GARDENS APTS Spacious 2bd1ba laundry fa Must have previous writer mover female or male full military projects in 8-10 mil lion dollar range Send appti or part time good paybene Ashes Away All-season chimney sweep In our 7th year I 357-1188 1 BDRM HOUSE 323' 20th St Stove refrlg S310 mo Shewey Realty 363-4266 cation to 3400 McCall Ste 100 NEWLY REMODELED 2bd Apts 1012 St Mer Stove 81 refrig $330 mo Sh wy Rm 1 1 383-4 2 88 duties cent heat ft air near school Avail now Call Dave fits contad Thompson Mov exper in a dealership or simi liar Good pay ft excellent be nef Its Call for appt Bob Gal lego 722-8100 Selma CA 93662 ing 8 Storage 358 7174 KIRBY Salespeople wanted Excellent pay Call btwn 9am llam 723 4932 or Jackie 358-0619 CEMENT work: All kinds PSYCHOLOGIST (Chapter I) 10 AC: 32 plus SHOP avl 91 horses nego Hurry! $800 HOMI FINDERS 7224143 WAREHOUSE WORK AUTO Salesperson Insur be II jHg CmJm large or small All types masonry Lie 30S639 722 5638 neflts comm sales Merced UTILITY 8 hrs per day 1 day per wk 36 days per yr Qualiflca Nissan Call Bob 723-3236 Save Marts Warehouse lo AUTO TECH needed Smog tlons: BA Degree valid CA cated In Merced has an open -Homes fwMtti NORTON APTS $100 SPECIAL 3 bdrms Pool basic cbl close to schls ft shopping Starting at $320 dep Section 8 Welcome 1119 Willow St A Atw 3384236 lie ase certif vac mad ing tor a warehouse utilities ATW: New remod Ibd $285 mo -1- 8200 dep Studio 8265 CLEANING Handyman painting movingpacking 18 yrs exper Bill 358-6792 CONCRETE: Patios swalks drways strips Sm job specialist Unlmsg 722-2912 Pupil Personnel credential authorizing psychological services at grades 8 Will bonus ft wage negot Send re custodial person Exper LAI SUPERVISOR: Food Processor has an Immed opening for a Lab Supervisor Position Is year-round full-time BS In microbiology or related degree reqd Competitive salary and benefits Send resume ft salary history to: Personnel Mgr PO Box 339 Turlock CA 95381 EOEMFHV sume: po Box 975 Atwater mo $200 dep 357 3176 eves preferred good pay ft bene CONDO luxurious 3 bd 2 Mi ba no petssmokers $650 mo be reqd to diagnoseprescribe BABYSITTER Days in my tits Please send resume to: for identified students learn $500 dep 384- 1 home ft Bear creek area 383-9157 aft 4pm Ing deficits Would work ATW: 4-Plex 2bdlba $360 $250 dep No Pets) 2765 Mulr Near CAFB 357-1080 or call Collect (408)238-8194 DAVIS Drafting I 5 imlininli Cofldof wrteachers ft parents as well Custom Homes Desianed NOW AVAIL: 2 Bd Hi Ba townhouse No pets $385 mo $250 dep 723-9565 BABYSITTER For Peterson as students salary: Place Computer drafting 358-1 lol Attn: Personnel Cork Wad PO lei 4271 Modesto 95352 4278 WtLBEks WILLWRI5MT5 Track Student ft Preschool ment on Support Staff Salary ATW 1 bdrm utll pd no pets $275 mo dep Call 358-5185 or 357-0806 DISCOUNT FENCE CO scneouie Applications re OLDER duplex 3 bdl ba 1112 Hansen $425 mo SHEWEY REALTY 383 4288 er In my Yosemlte Lake area home Must be flexible In scheduling activities ft LAW OFFICE: Secretary 'Recpt Word processing exp Fast ft accurate typist Resume: Kasey 510 21st St Merced CA 95340 sumes transcripts ft place Fabricating exp ability to ATW: Attractive La 2M Cable wgs Sm pet wdep ment papers will be taken at read blueprints min 3 yrs wk transporting children Start Quality fences ft repairs custom patios decks ft gazebos at discount Snr cltz discount Refs avail-Free est NOW OPEN Large display of Mobile-Manufactured Homes including a log cabin Land Home We do part or all Drive a little I Save a lot! E-Z HOMES 700 Walnut St Turlock CA 634 HOME the Atwater Elementary 63 -t- MPJ oep aaa-Tiwi Ing August Refs req Salary School Dlst office Deadline exp welding test req Wage DOE Apps taken at 13024 OLIVE CIRCLE APTS Big savings! Spacious 2bd apts 722-9147 Ftirn-tffifiiffl negotiable 383-1753 for applying: Frl July 21 at 384-3801 Lake Rd Hickman 8am Mon-Frl 3:30 pm a a but ATW: Deluxe 9 yrs old 2bd townhouse in nice area $395 mo Manager at 2204-2290 Bel levue 357-8147 BAC Pritchard Inc has Immed openings avail for DOUGLAS'S PAINTING Radiator repair person Exp NR CAFB: Newer Ibd end patio $320 8100 dep Wat garb pd 358-6918057-1351 PLANADA: 2bd refrlg stv 9267 Broadway $300 mo HELP SELL 7224214 production workers only Apply In person at 614 Papering IntExt Exc Refs Free Est Lie 492110 357-6163 Successful candidates should LEGAL Witty lawyer seeking personable self motivated legal secretary Exper In PI and General Litigation who wants to do more than type Word-processing reqd above average salary ft benefits Submit resume to: Personnel PO Box 2165 Mer CA 95344 9th St Modesto Ca 524 4298 TRUCK DRIVE RSOTR PSTVANS INC dys714-627-7003 eves ATW: Spac studios stv ref ac laun facil nr CAFB special move-In this mo $255 ft up sec dep $150 358-7582 have a basic knowledge of hand tools ability to read production drawings and SUMMIT APTS Taking Applications for July 1 bd $310 $250 dep 357 2501 RIDGEVIEW MEADOWS Duplex'5-pleW-plei HAL ESTATE AGENTS DRY WALL ft LATH Residential ft Commercial Acoustical ceilings 3574959 TOP PAY GUARANTEED inree desks avail for new perform moderate to heavy PAID BENEFITS 23T031PER MILE TWO bdl ba pool BBQ area MobJls Home Parks Mff SMM lifting agents or agents wa license Call for Interview Bill Baker ATW: Studio appliances $235 mo $150 dep ref's req Call 383-4174 days Dlav area TOY'S welcome Applications are avail at 3058 A nice place near recreation dining easy highway access night security 2 bdrms $305 thru $450mo INCOtf Commercial Construction High quality wlow bids! 439196 383-4900 CALL COLLECT (209)467-4704 $350 mo 8 up Joe 357-2252 BAKER REALTY 723-5053 Beachwood Dr Mer CA CLASSIFIED ADS 383-7777 OR 1-8O0-421-7766 HOMI SPACES RN Do you have a free from 1pm to 4:30 pm Mon Frl AAEOE Rootrtt Rooms for $180 ATW: Very nice 2 bdrm dishwasher storage no pets $365 mo $250 dep 358-7753 LINE COOKS with exper FENCES expert bulldrepalr Garages 8 Carports weekend a month? You could supervise quality staff doing rent month-to-month mo dep 358-4021 Quality mat'ls fair prices BARTENDER needed with Must be available for all shifts Benefits Apply: Blueberry Hill Cafe (l mile of Brad Lie 500835 358-3593 Patios 8 Inside laundry Kitchens wblt ins See or Call 11am 6pm ONLY quality care at a 68 bed experience Call 632-9571 evenings only MEDICAL SNF Full benefits availa MOBILE Home Spaces for rent Not over a 10x50 6160 mo 8155 dep 358-2749 Livingston on Hwy 99) ATW: 640 Cedar 2bd stove refrlg dw cent heatair patio carport $365mo incld basic cable Shewey Realty 383-4288 GUAR HOME PAINTING: 20 Discount! Inside ft Out 26-yrs exp Free est 722-9415 RANCH Style home nr college prlv bath 8 phone $220 mo $200 dep 15 Utll 723-8427 ble as well as per diem Join our "Team" For more info RN'S 61 Sooth Fork Merced 384-2900 LIVE-IN Housekeeper 8 BOOKKEEPER: Full-time AR AP payroll general ledger taxes tuplng com Full part time positions Call Childcare Room board ft sa contact Pam Kiesz (DON) SAHARA APTS ROOM FOR RENT In my HANS THE PAINTER at 723 4224 collect 826-0591 ext 242 or lary Avail immediately puter ft calculator exp reqd ATW: 4-plex 2bd stv refrlg laundry hkps Near CAFB IntrExtr Fret Etts Spanish speaking preferred 316 country home $250 mo Non smoker Call 383-7684 RN LVN CNA Positions 726 3110 Bus 383 5139 Llc509788 2bdlba $420 -l- $200 dep Covd carports water-garbcbl paid Near shops banks No pets 723 7262 $340 $150 dep 723-2249 Salary comm with exp Send resume ft letter of recommendation: MSS Box fK-27 available Merced Convales cent Hospital 510 26th St LIVESTOCK Hauler Turlock MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST ATW: 3 bdl'i ba no pets refs req $375mo Call bet HOME PAINTING Inout ft cabinet refinish Quality ROLLOFF Truck Drivers SANTA FE APTS to Ontario Send resume ft DMV printout to: PO Box 1189 Merced 95341 ween pm 35 ibju workRefs 722-3757 Weekends holidays Gene- FEMALE seeking same to Class II lie needed DMV printout req Apply Knights ATW- hrirm tuannlc OfM Studio turn 8 unfurn Nice large units new paint AEK rallst exper CA licensed CAMVASSERS needed to up date the Merced Atwater City directory Part or full-time Min wage Will train Call 7225012 btwn 8 or apply at 1777 St share home $295 mo dep 357-0492 Ive msg on machine LVN CHARGE POSITION Lumner 3218 Buhach mo $200 dep Refs reqd Call collect 826-0591 ext 277 pool laund facil cable avail KOREN Paint ft Janitorial Open 24 Hrs Lowest price Work Guar 358 8485357 2264 Merced No Phone calls! Call 383-6174 Steve FEMALE seeking same to FULLTIME days for SNF Per diem or benefit pkg Apply In person: La Sierra SALESPERSON for upscale Prom $255 $200 sec dep 1161 Santa Fe Ave 3344)114 share 2 bd apt ner CAFB Call Carla 358 5860 or 357-1431 ATW: 2 bdl ba all appliances cent heatair newly CARPENTERS: All phases: lewelry store We are seeking a career minded Individual Convalescent 2424 St Mer Los Banos Community Hospital 520 I Strati Los Banos CA 93635 MR FIXIT Repair Install assemble Almost anything 723-6641 girders sub floors wall decorated! $385 mo 358 5159 LVN CLINIC wa general sales back SARATOGA APTS PROFESSIONAL wishes to share another professional's framers roof trusses pick up Hrly wage med Insur Full-time Mon-Frl 9-6 in ground Bilingual preferred PR Janitorial Service ATW: 2 Bd 1 Ba cent heat air cable $340 mo $250 dep Mgr 358-1713 Avail 715 Lovely Studios 1 2 bdrms All electric kitchen pool 8 Garrett Const 538-2570 but not req Full benefits Send resume to SS Box 22 high-volume family practice clinic exper pref Duties to office Willing to also share expense of secretary up to $600mo Contad Mr Mills commlresld Insured ft bonded 358-3654 or 358 8994 far Rent ATW: Very nice 12' wide 1 bdrm Set up In Park $295mo 5200dep 723 1309 ONE TWO bdrms $250 and up plus deposit $50 off first month's rent 358-8811 53-Howes 0 irfu rntshfidl AAA 3 bd avail 8'3 fm rm 1 car gar perts $450 HOW FINPftS 722-4143 ACT NOW! 6475 Huge 2bd extra Ig fncd lot bit kitchen crpt frplc garage on Drake Ave 6600 2bd sunroom frml dining indoor Indry garage crpt frplc stv freshly painted Calimyrna Ave 6615 3bd2ba bit-Ins patio gar crpt Alexander Ave 6655 3bd2ba den frplc cent heatiair crpt gar Cheyenne 6760 Huge 3bd2ba spa decking frml dining Jenn-aire range near college Branco Rentals 383-7679 beautiful grounds incl: preparing patient's for 673 Loughborough 723 6685 82-CMM Car 722 3306 SCHOOL BUS driver pt posi tion Merced Trans will be ac CBS RESUME SERVICES Professional Assistance 2812 G' Suite 9 723-9540 ATW: 2 bedroom townhouse wappliances $315mo $200dep Refs req REMODELING room addl tions tile work lie 563776 ROOMMATE for 2 bdrm REGENCY SQUARE APTS townhouse $200 mo 12 uti Spacious 2 bdrms AEK covd 383 3259 lities 723-2598 before noon exams giving medication assisting procedures 8 maintaining supplies Full benefit pkg avail with competitive salary If interested please apply in person at Bloss Hosp 1691 3rd St Atw park close to shopping 1287 CHIEF Medical Technologist Full-time Competitive salary cepting applications until Frl 714 Reqs cln DMV printout HS Ed 9 yrs reg driving exper Free 2 wk training starts 731 Range $481 to REMODELS Additions ATW: 1 bd modern up front parking small patio area AUNT PAT'S DAY CARE full time openings Ages 2 ft Loughborough Dr 723-5490 ROOMMATE to share 3bd decks porches repairs Lie 547146 Dave 303-7464 home full privileges ft util ft benefits Pleasant working conditions Call Chowchilla District Memorial Hospital watergarbcabie paid can 358-0769 aft 10 am STUDIO 317Mr 20th St Stove refrlg $275 mo up Call 357 2869 BUSY BEE'S Day Care Pe $642 Fringe benefits Apply $300mo dep 358-9275 aft 6 300 Grogan Ave (acr from Shewey Realty 383-4288 665-3781 Ext 362 ATW: 1 bdrm wappls $260 71 Cofflnsrciai ft Airport) EOE MANICURIST needed wexp at Mr ft Ms Hair Fashions 384-1216 383-9373 aft 5pm terson School area Licensed Meals Incld 723 7026 Rogers Glass 1029 So 'J' Mar 383-6553 EOE mo $150 dep Refs reqd Call 383-6174 Officet 1 BD $250 mo sec dep cable incl Show by appt only call 723 0218 CIRCULATORS for petitions CHARLEEN'S DAYCARE MECHANIC immed opening RB Drywall: Sheetrock PT or FT 383-1673 723-1760 SCHOOL SITE SECRETARY 8 hrs per day 11 mos per yr Qualifications: HS Grad 216 13th Street ATW: Professional offc hang tape texture patches ok Lie 547535 723-3397 for exper person welectro hydraulics gas ft diesel eng Ines welding min 4 yrs Llcsd 0-10 Meals ft Snacks incld TLC ft lots of extras Very reasonable Olive ft Bear Creek area 722-1431 ATW: 1515 Fir Ave Ibd stove refrig laun hkups cent heatair $300mo SHEWEY Realty 383-4288 downtown $350 mo 1510 SWISS COLONY APTS 3075 Perk Ave 722-7721 Broadway 722-6214 SMITTY'S Prof Painting CNA'S needed for team approach geriatric care Con-tad: DON 723-4224 exper Must have own tools wdralning in typing ft related business subjects Knowledge Intext airless spraying LICENSED CHILD CARE Benefits uniforms medden brush roller work Free est WESTWOOD APTS AVAILABLE NOWI 2 stall garage workshop 58 16th $200mo 722-6214 ATW: 1381 High St (corn of Elm) 2 bd appls cent heatair $350 mo dep 826-0403 tal Ins Bring DMV printout Loving Christain home ages Lovely 2 bdrms AEK sto COMPUTER OPERATOR ROUTE ACCOUNTANT 358 1575Msg: 358-8672 'SOMETHING UNIQUE" Refs reqd Apply in person: US Rentals 1346 16th Mer ft up meals Incl Play area 358-2945 ot gen office procedures 8 ability to do record keeping ordering ft mathematical calculations Must type 50 wpm Desired Qualifications: First rage close CAFB 2681 Wlnton Way 358-9158 LICENSED DAY CARE NEW Standard Brand Ctr 1750 sq ft 65 triple net 16th ft 383-0413 723 7188 MEDICAL Insurance Billing ATW 2 bdIVs ba townhouse no pets no waterbeds $410 mo $300 dep 357 1211 Resp person needed to work late office shift Approx 3pm- Decks patio covers Anything Imaginable I can build Free est Call Jerry 384 7486 Peterson area Full ft part aid knowledge min usuable Clerk wexper Typing and computer exper necessary Resumes to: MSS Box K-21 time 383-6029 WINTON: Brand New 3 bdrm 7021 Cottage stv patio fenc yd sect 8 ok $525 mo Shewey Realty 383-4288 OFFICE SPACE Avail tear Creek Mm Located at St 8S-WofK WatrM ATW 1572 Grove newer 2 bdrm patio storage shed watgarbcable pd no pets $365 mo $200 dep 358 2682 Medical ft Bear Creek 384-2403 TIRED OF Cheap imitations sloppy work at a price that seems too low? Don't be fooled! Call the best for all of your housekeeping needs 8pm Mon Frl Fast 10 key good bookkeeping skills ft computer exper desired per hr based on exper Anheuser Busch Dlst Send resume to: Sierra Beverage Co 2651 Cooper Ave Merced CA 95348 Attn Personnel BABYSIT in my home offer Roman Cath teaching ft va- MERCED COMMUNITY MEDICAL CENTER YOSEMITE WEST 2bd2ba frplc garage $525 CUTTONE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 383-6252 ues M-F $35wk 364-3976 Mothers Little Helper shorthand ability to operate office machines Salary: $880 to $989 per hr Appllca tions are being accepted at the Atwater School Dist office Deadline for applying: Wed July 12 3:30 pm AAEOE SECRETARY fUii fimeT Immed opening exc salary ft benefits Send resume to: Office Mgr PO Box 7 Fire baugh CA 93622 AVAILABLE NOW! 2bdlba apt Pool covd parking storage modern kitchens ft laundry facs $345 $300 dep 2560 Glen Ave 383-5447 OFFICE SPACE Adjacent to Merced Mall 789 sq ft $590 mo 1150 sq ft $875 mo Call CJ at 707-584-7550 or Merced Mall Mgmt 723-3981 Is actively recruiting for: guarantees your satisfaction Babysitting job needed My Ins ft bonded for your protec CONSTRUCTION Remodeling Foreperson BD 2 BA $375 mo -I- $325 house or your's References 725-0730 Ask for Ana tion Call today 383 2297 RISK MANAGEMENT SPICIAtlST PATIENT REPRESENTATIVE Mo equlv 82342-S2848 dep 1 BD 1 BA upstairs $235 Remodel firm seeks exper Free est mo $175 dep 358-7724 AVAIL NOW: Studio Stove ft refrlg $275 mo 722-6214 OFFICES rentsale Excel for attorney walking distance to CHILDCARE in my home full ft part time Peterson School area 722 2507 craftsman to work on prestigious ft extensive renovations Truck tools ft travel TREES: Remove Trim or Top Min qual BA Nursing Business Admin or closely re courts 8 Co bldgs 384 0225 -VIL LAGE GREEN free est 20 yrs exp Lie Ins lated field ft 2 yrs as patient CHILD CARE Several open required Excel salary ft benefits Call 665-1337 fQZI Q) AVAIl NOW Ibd in Atwater Stove ft refrig $350 mo Less than 1 yr old 722-6214 Joe's Tree Service 358 0897 TREE Topping ft Removing Trash ft gen hauling Reas PROFESSIONAL office 8 re-tall space 390 sq ft to 14000 sq ft Call Bonnie at Century 21-Salvadori Realty 383-6475 ings Full ft part time 2 experienced Moms 383-9137 SPEECH THERAPIST Contact Personnel Madera co Superintendent of Schools 28123 Avenue 14 Madera 93638 673-6051 ext 240 Open until filled rep in health care setting or administrative managerial or staffing capacity including exper In risk management COUNSELOR (Categorical Funding) hrsday 5 daysweek 195 Free est Insured 358-9580 CHRISTINA 14 would like large 4000 foot building parking area 383-2629 AVAIl NOW: 1 2 bdrm Apts 8 Studios Coll 384-RENT Tinottl Williams Prop Mgmt to babysit or petsit Atwater area 358 4169 daysyear Qualifications Pupil Personnel Services in QUALITY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ANALYST Mo equlv Clean cmpnion for elderly exp wrefs S475hr 4 hrs 2 ROOM OFFICE on 'G' St near Alexander $275 Branco Rentals 383-7879 Counseling Desired qualifications: Exper as a K-6 counselor ft bilingual skills Place mm All hrs open 357-8026 THE PLACE FOR YOU! Quiet living 1 2 bedrooms garden patios 383-3726 777 Loughborough Drive OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TEACHERS DEAF LEARNING HANDICAPPED Contact Personnel Madera Co Superintendent of Schools 28123 Avenue 14 Madera 93638 673-6051 ext 240 Open until filled DAY CARE my home close Min qual graduation from nursing school possession of valid CA RN license ft min 78 BEAR CREEK NORTH APARTMENTS 2976 St Mer Will have 2 bdrm apt avail 81 383-5704 for further Info ment on district support staff salary schedule Applica to CAFB Reasonable rates meals Included 358 9408 tions resumes transcripts placement papers will be accepted at the Atwater school of 3 yrs clinical MedicalSurgical nursing exp with medical records coding exper I law urriwci HOUSECLEANING: Spark ling clean results Excellent District Office 1601 Grove STOP! keep: references Call 723-9347 Ave Atwater All paperwork Creditors Home I WILL BABYSIT In my must be complete to be consi Final filing date for both Is TELEPHONE SALES Our Office Hrs: 6pm-9pm Mon-Frl 9am 12:30 Sat Earn from $425 to $1000 per Hour Call 384-2224 Garnishments Car home Lots of TLC any age BRIARWOOD CONDO'S Close to CAFB Nice newer units stoverefrlgdishwash-er cent heatair patio frplc garage pool spa pets ok 2 bdrm 1 Mi ba den $480 mo Manager 383-660 or Shewey Realty 383-4288 dered Deadline: Friday July 21 at 3-30 pm AAEOE 722 5204 IRS Cash LIVE IN or day work wanted CROSS COUNTRY Truck APPROX 1100 sq ft 3bd2ba Wlnton area $550 mo $350 dep Avail now 384-1830 eves ARE YOU a Newcomer or New Homeowner In Merced Atwater or Wlnton? If so there is a FREE welcoming service that you will find helpful Please do not hesitate to call Welcome Newcomer Service and give your nameaddress Call 722-3731 ATW: 3bd2ba approx 1650 sq ft $700 mo $350 dep Avail Aug 1st 384-1830 eves ATW 2 bdrm pets ok 1244 Willow $380 mo 1st last dep Call 722 9565 AVAIL NOW: 2bd In Planada $400 722-6214 COLLEGE area: 32 2000 sf d'rm many xtras pets $800 home nam wiiw DUPLEX: Winton new 3 bd Iba sm ydno pets $525 $300 dep Avail Now! 358-5563 MERCED EXECUTIVE 4000 sq ft 3 bd 3 ba living dining family game rms lawn service no garage $775'mo lease Shewey Realty 383-4288 FRANKLIN AREA 3 bd 2 ba utll rm Ig yard Ig garage $635 mo $450 dep 383-5351 LG 3 bdrm2 ba liv rm din rm new carpet ft paint $700 mo util dep 722-6736 LUXURY HOMI 2bdr2ba sky lights built ins micro cathedral ceilings carpeting vertical mini blinds Indscping fully maintained $625 mo 383 9166 MER Older home on 10 acres 2 bd 1 ba 5613 Golf Rd Stove frplc dining rm utll rm laundry hookups shop bldg $525 mo Shewey Realty 363-4286 MER: 3bd2ba large yard exc neighborhood no pets' $600 -I- dep 1-563-6597 MER: 2bd stove refrig 2030 Highland Pets ok $450 Istlast $150 dep 722-9565 MER: 2120 Almondwood (E Bear CreekMcKee) 3bd 2ba stv dw fam rm wfrplc cent heatair 2 car gar fncd yard Lease reqd $700mo Shewey Realty 383-4288 NE MER: 4 bd2 ba wet bar frplc insert $750 mo dep 722-6387 Or 667 9356 MER: 3 Bd 2 Ba refrlg 1770 sq ft 'plus' avail now $725 mo 8700 dep Agent Linda 722-4901 ONE bdrm Victorian flat 1400 sq ft 448 22nd St $460 mo 383-4011 RENTALS-CALL NOW! All types sizes price ranges HOMI FINDERS 722-4141 Foreclosures Furniture Repossessions Tools etc caring for sick or elderly Driver Clean DMV printout 71889 To apply please contact: PERSONNEL DEPT Ml 1JTH STREET MERCED CA 95340 209-385 7114 EOEAAMFH xc references 722-5889 Apply at: 455 Grogan Ave Merced 3834962 DENTAL ASST Our busy Schools Training Turlock 6674433 BRIERWOOD APTS Studios 1 ft 2 bdrms avail AEK cvd parking beautiful grounds pool 3202 Denver Ave 8 722-3300 progressive dental office Is searching for a fun bright Tttlorinfj Los Banos 626-9594 THE GUARDIAN PLAN As advertised on TV we are looking for 2 pre need counselors We offer our quallf salespeople pre set pre-qualil appts Must have current life lie Exc benefits ft high comm Unlimited oppty If interested call our toll-free number I 800 365 4286 energetic RDA who enjoys a METAL BLDG ERECTORS Exper trainee positions Call Free Consultation LOWEST COSTS cheerful patient-oriented atmosphere and a fast pace If this appeals to you please call 723-5405 for appt 537-8987 Modern Steel Structures NOTICE Trainees Needed BROOK0ALE GARDENS Studios 1 ft 2 bdrms available Covd parking cent heatair pool laundry room 107 Brookdale Dr 383 3564 DISPATCHER MUSICIANS WANTED To form a "Hot New Country AUT00IESEL TECHS 104-YaH ft GareWn Exper dispatcher needed for Band" Dedicated successful OTR Trucking Firm hands minded only need apply ATW MER: Geronimo's Gar denlng rototillhaulclean- For interview 383-1203 BUENA VISTA APTS Studios available AEK cent heatair beaut grounds ft pool 3112 Denver Ave 6 722 8248 uprtrees Free est 384-9374 NEW Holland 2100 Harvester operators ft mechanic Call Atw Mer Ramons Gardening 722 1974 Done the way you want Spr inks free est 383 5165 HOW TO REPLY TO A COMPUTER ROBOTIC TECHNICIANS Musi be capable 01 relocating temporarily to Tuston Arizona tor sin months II you quality you may re cetve assistance in HOUSING FINANCIAL AID JOB PLACEMENT DURING AND AFTER TRAINING DUTRA'S YARD CREEKWOOD Park 2 bdl ba townhouse bit In kitchen covd parking $415 month Branco Rentals 383-7879 Maintenance ft Roto tilling SUN-STAR BOX NUMBER For ads that specify mailing reply to Sun-Star box WE DO IT ALL! 357 0581 on exper with a computerized dispatch a must Salary commensurate with exper send detailed resume to: Director of Operations PO Box 3306 Modesto CA 95353 DISTRICT REP LIFE INSURANCE SALES Sales carreer position mgmt opptys in growing organization Intensive training program exc income no exper necess but helpful Outstanding group Ins ft retirement benefits Relocation not necessary Call btwn 10am 1pm- may call later 363 3361 TRAINING CENTER COORDINATOR for a specially funded one-year project designed to provide open entryopen-exit vocational training for local JTPA-eligl-ble participants Candidate should be a four-year college graduate with a combination of experience In business education andor employment training programs Should be familiar with designing ft developing curriculum and competencies for vocational training programs Experienced In the use of microcomputers This Is a 40-hour per week position with benefits Salary: $2333 per month To apply: Complete a Merced College application form and submit along with a resume to the Merced College Personnel Office (3600 St GARDENING Serv: mowed this please geprunertrlmrotocleanup DUPLEX: 144 Snowhaven Ct 2bd2ba frplc 2 car garage laundry hookups 383-6000 Mon-Frl 9 5pm complete address! nam lommiKos 722-4319 GARDENING ft Trimming 1 2 Bedrooms Starting at $350 Dishwashers Disposals Refrig Stove Central heat air Pool Painting work Bleed dump ing 723 3099 MerWlnAtw FAVIER EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 2843 'G' St 723-3197723-3198 Secretary to $1300 Computer Bkkpr $1300 plus Class I Driver $1500 up Medical Recpt TOCONIS I ASSOCIATES PERSONNEL SERVICE 470 Mala St 384-1555 A Better Than Ever Avon! Free training for beginners Free gift Charlotte 723 3647 ACCEPTING Applications for DISHWASHERS Apply: Velvet Creamery 2971 St Merced btwn 3 5pm ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT for a specially-funded one-year project designed to provide open-entryopen-exit vocational training for local JTPA-ellglble participants Candidate must be able to work with computers and general office equipment be a high school or 2 year college graduate with two years or more of responsible administrative support experience This Is a 19-hour per week position Salary: $800 per hour To apply: Complete a Merced College application form and submit along with a resume to the Merced College Personnel Office (3600 St Merced CA 95348) by July 17 1989 Applications are available at the Personnel Office or may be obtained by calling 384 6235 AAEOE ADVERTISING ARTIST Merced Sun-Star is looking for an experienced artist with superior talent in creating eye-catching well-proportioned ads with persuasive copy and no-doubt salabllity Incumbent will prepare production and spec ads using a variety of techniques Interested persons please pick up an art aptitude test and employment application from Merced Sun-Star 3033 North 'G' St Merced Interviewees will be selected from tests completed and returned EOE ALL0RITTEN "The Bare foot Plumber" Is now accepting resumes for Plumbing Heating ft AC Technician Send resumes to: 316 Street Madera CA 93637 GARDENWOOD APTS2bd turn ft unfurn Pool ac dw watergarbage pd No pets $400 $450 $250 dep Call 3584361 GREEN THUMB GARDENING We Care! Mow prune haul Clean up 723-4724 383 4915 MERCED SUN STAR MSS Box fill In PO Bo 739 Merced Cel 95341 You may maiijreply or bring in to the Merced Sun Star office directly While our advertisers are encouraged to reply to each piece of mail in the practical press of time they may not INTERVIEWS ARE BEING SCHEDULED FOR YOUR AREA TO ARRANGE YOUR INTERVIEW DATE AND TIME (209)576-1400 or TOLL FREE 1-M0441-5700 ASC Technical Treat Sdwols HAULING mowing clean-Ing etc Also weekly services Call Dave 722-4261 GOLDEN GATE APTS In Atw 1 2 Bdrms Furnun-turn Reasonable rent 8 dep Military welcome Beautiful surroundings 358-1749 Merced CA 95348) by July 17 EFFECTIVE PROFESSIONAL Resumes $9 ft up We will write type ft print Quick ft Hassle Free! 9 5 MF ft SatEves by appt 7228868 1989 Applications are availa ble at the Personnel Office or may be obtained by calling 384-6235 AAEOE Pazkwood Heritage West A Royal Oaks Luxury living Pool ft spa $445 $480 Olive ft Austin-384 2729 IliHa NOW HIRING Tomato truck drivers 2 yrs minimum exp Must be insurable have dean DMV printout ft a medical card Apply in person: 5988 Hwy 140 btwn 8am 4pm APARTMENTS EMPLOYERS Need Vacation ReltefT Call Olsten Services 3U-2314 If 7s C6TO 6ARDENING Special on one time cleaning ft tret pruning 723-4432 MERCED POWER PLUS Sales Parts Service 1720 Yoiemrte Pfcwy 723-7678 MOUA GARDEN Lawn edlng weeding flower beds Free est 723-8545 or 384-1631 Reynolds ft Sanchez yard-work garden haul trim weed raking free est 722-9271 Tree ft Yard care: Toppingft removing trash ft gen haul Ing reas Free ot 383 5344 W-Tral Urtut RECEPTIONIST wanted (or a progressive dental practice Being receptive to the needs of EXPER Eledrlclan Imme-dlate opening Call before Sam or aft 4pm 384 5880 NURSES AIDE (Certified) Full-time position In psych facility Apply: Merced Manor 1255 Street Mecced MIADOWLARK Garden Apts Ibd pool ac Ig patios 1 blk to Mall bus stop No pets Starting at $325mo 1270 Meadows Ave Mer 383-5115 gru qam dds 2807 North Street Marced California 05340 FOOD SERVERS Cocktail banquet ft daily shifts Send resume to MSS Box 24 NURSES Aide 15 yrs home care exper for ill ft elderly Day hrs pref $6hr 723 3485 125 OFF MER: AFDC welcome 2 bd 1 ba appliances pool kids OK close to school 8 shopping 8395 mo 384-0551 10am 6pm HAIRSTYLISTS Booth rental Call 7236932 OFFICE ASST pt salary ne gotlable Apply at office 925 Loughborough Merced RENTALS 383-6869 others while being persuasive enough to follow the daily schedule is a MUST Having some receptionist andor secretarial skills is NECESSARY Being able to pay attention to detail is IMPORTANT Being compatible with computers is HELPFUL For a superior person who wants a fulfilling profession "Send resume to Dr Tim Dyllna ATTN: MER: Apt 2 bdl ba central heatair $365 mo $250 dep Sect 8 ok 358 0774 eves First Month's Rent With 8 Mo Lease an 2 MPS 1-1-3 BtOFOOM CONVENIENTLY POOL LOCATED IN ONE OF PLAYGROUND MERCED'S MOST JACUZZI DESIRABLE CLUB ROOM NEIGHBORHOODS CLOSE TO CAFB 723-2157 HANDYPERSON pt know-ledge of plumbing Apply at office 925 Loughborough ORAL SURGERY Fast-paced oral surgery office needs cooperative adjustable dental assistant with X-ray license Willing to travel to ia tellte offices learn some computer work bilingual de-slreable Send resume to: Oral Surgery Office 130 Park Ave Merced 953a 722-2764 HOME HEALTH assts for private residential car 4 on3 off FT 723-1449 GOLDEN ERA LIMO SERVICE For that special occasion 384-1030 or 378 2372 TCP 005712 I I MO Night Moves LIIYlU LIMO S4rvK 3541434 TCP005237 MERCED GOLDEN MANOR Studio ft 1 bd apts stove refrlg carpets drapes patio 81 covered parking In quiet neighborhood very nice for income eligible senior citizens Call for appointment Mon Frl 10-4 722 3327 Looking for a 34 bdrm home In Merced? We have just the home you're looking fori We also hove 21 and 31 apts avail in Atwater 2824 Park Ave Suite A Merced Debbie 2807 North St Merced CA 95340 Practice ot Complete Dentistry HOUSEKEEPING Person net Part-time Apply in person: 2000 Chllds Ave Mer 2813 PARK AVE MERCEO.
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