P Series Test-Definition, Applications, and Examples (2024)

P Series Test-Definition, Applications, and Examples (1)

In the realm of mathematical analysis, determining whether a series converges or diverges is a fundamental question. The p-series test provides a valuable tool for investigating the behavior of a specific type of series known as the p-series.

This article delves into the definition of the p-series, explores its properties, and provides a comprehensive understanding of its convergence or divergence.

Definition of P Series Test

The p-series test is a method used to determine the convergence or divergence of a specific type of series called the p-series. A p-series is defined as the sum of the terms (1/nᵖ) for n ranging from 1 to infinity. Mathematically, it can be represented as:


In this representation, the symbol “∑” denotes the summation notation, “n” is the index variable that ranges from 1 to infinity, and “p” is a positive constant.

The p-series test focuses on the value of the exponent “p” to assess the behavior of the series. The test establishes the following criteria:

Convergence (p > 1)

If the value of “p” is greater than 1, the p-series converges. This means that as more terms are added, the sum of the series approaches a finite value. In other words, the series’ partial sums become arbitrarily close to a particular number. Below we present the example of a series convergence in figure-1.

P Series Test-Definition, Applications, and Examples (2)


Divergence (p ≤ 1)

If the value of “p” is less than or equal to 1, the p-series diverges. This means that as more terms are added, the sum of the series becomes infinitely large or approaches infinity. The series of partial sums does not converge to a finite value.

The p-series test provides a clear criterion for determining the convergence or divergence of the p-series based on the value of “p.” It is a straightforward and powerful tool for analyzing the behavior of this specific type of series. Below we present the example of a series divergence in figure-2.

P Series Test-Definition, Applications, and Examples (3)


Historical Significance of P Series Test

The historical significance of the p-series test lies in its contribution to the development of mathematical analysis, particularly in the study of series convergence.

While the test itself may not have a specific historical origin, its principles and applications have been explored by mathematicians over the centuries. Here’s a discussion on the historical significance of the p-series test.

Euler and the Basel Problem

The p-series test gained historical prominence through its association with one of the most famous problems in mathematics—the Basel problem.

In the 18th century, the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler used the p-series test to prove that the sum of the reciprocals of the squares (∑(1/n²)) converges to a specific value, $\pi^{2/6}$.

Euler’s solution demonstrated the power of the p-series test as a tool for determining convergence and led to further investigations into the properties of p-series.

Analytic Methods and Convergence Tests

The development and refinement of analytic methods and convergence tests throughout the history of mathematics have contributed to the significance of the p-series test.

Mathematicians such as Augustin-Louis Cauchy, Karl Weierstrass, and Bernhard Riemann expanded upon the concepts underlying the p-series test, developing more general convergence tests and exploring the intricacies of series analysis. The p-series test, as a foundational concept, has served as a stepping stone to these advancements.

Exploration of Series Behavior

The p-series test, along with other convergence tests, has provided mathematicians with a means to understand and classify different series based on their convergence or divergence properties.

This exploration has led to the development of mathematical tools, techniques, and theories that have broad applications in various fields of mathematics, including calculus, analysis, and number theory.

Generalizations and Extensions

The p-series test has also inspired generalizations and extensions, expanding its historical significance. Mathematicians have developed tests such as the Cauchy condensation test, which is a generalization of the p-series test, and the Dirichlet test, which combines aspects of the p-series test with other convergence criteria.

These extensions have enriched our understanding of series convergence and provided additional tools for analyzing various types of series.


Specific to p-Series

The p-series test is specifically designed to analyze the convergence or divergence of the p-series of the form ∑(1/nᵖ). It is not applicable to other series or more general cases. This specialized nature ensures that the test is most effective when examining p-series.

Borderline Case (p = 1)

When the exponent “p” in the p-series is equal to 1, the series becomes the harmonic series ∑(1/n). In this case, the p-series test is inconclusive.

The harmonic series neither converges nor diverges. It serves as a noteworthy example in the study of series convergence and is often discussed in relation to the p-series test.

Relationship to Other Tests

The p-series test has a connection to other convergence tests, which allows for a more comprehensive understanding of series behavior. Two notable tests often used in conjunction with the p-series test are:

Integral Test

The integral test compares the behavior of a given series with the behavior of an integral. In the context of p-series, the integral test can be employed to prove the convergence of a p-series by comparing it to an appropriate integral. This test provides a powerful tool for establishing convergence.

Comparison Test

The comparison test enables the comparison of a given series with a known convergent or divergent series. By comparing their behavior, conclusions can be drawn about the series in question.

The comparison test can be used in conjunction with the p-series test to strengthen the analysis of series convergence or divergence.

Limitations and Scope

It’s important to note that the p-series test is specific to p-series and cannot be applied universally to all types of series. Other convergence tests are available for different series forms, and the choice of test depends on the specific properties of the series being analyzed.

The p-series test is a valuable tool within its defined scope but should not be applied indiscriminately to all series.


While the p-series test focuses on the behavior of the p-series, it has inspired generalizations and extensions in mathematical analysis. For example, the Cauchy condensation test and the Dirichlet test are derived from the p-series test and are applicable to broader classes of series.

These generalizations enhance our understanding of series convergence and provide further tools for analysis.


The p-series test, with its ability to determine the convergence or divergence of specific types of series, has found applications in various areas of mathematics and beyond. Here are some notable applications of the p-series test.

Series Analysis

The primary application of the p-series test is in the analysis of series convergence. By applying the test to the p-series of the form ∑(1/nᵖ), mathematicians can determine whether a series converges or diverges based on the value of the exponent “p.”

This analysis aids in understanding the behavior of series and helps establish convergence results.

Comparison Tests

The p-series test is often used in conjunction with other convergence tests, particularly comparison tests. By comparing a given series with a known convergent or divergent p-series, mathematicians can deduce the convergence or divergence of the series under consideration. This comparison provides a valuable tool for analyzing a wide range of series.

Calculus and Integration

The p-series test has connections to calculus and integration. It can be used to establish the convergence of improper integrals involving p-series. By comparing an improper integral to an equivalent p-series, mathematicians can determine whether the integral converges or diverges, aiding in the evaluation of integrals and solving problems in calculus.

Harmonic Analysis

The p-series test finds applications in the field of harmonic analysis. The harmonic analysis deals with the decomposition of functions into harmonic components.

The convergence properties of the Fourier series, which are used to represent periodic functions, can be analyzed using the p-series test. This analysis is crucial in understanding the convergence and behavior of Fourier series representations.

Number Theory

The p-series test has implications in number theory, particularly in the study of sums of reciprocals of powers of integers. For example, the p-series test is utilized in investigations related to perfect numbers, which are positive integers that are equal to the sum of their proper divisors.

The convergence properties of series involving the reciprocals of divisors are analyzed using the p-series test to shed light on the properties of perfect numbers.

Physics and Engineering

The p-series test has applications beyond mathematics in disciplines such as physics and engineering. It plays a role in the analysis of infinite series that arise in physical phenomena, including electrical circuits, signal processing, and wave propagation. Understanding the convergence properties of these series is essential in modeling and analyzing real-world systems.


Example 1

Determine the convergence or divergence of the series ∑(1/n^3).


To analyze the convergence or divergence of the series, we can apply the p-series test with “p = 3”. The p-series test states that if the exponent “p” is greater than 1, the series converges; otherwise, it diverges.

In this case, “p = 3” is greater than 1. Therefore, the series ∑(1/n^3) converges. This implies that as more terms are added, the sum of the series approaches a finite value.

Example 2

Investigate the convergence or divergence of the series ∑(1/n⁰˙⁵).


To determine the convergence or divergence of the series, we can use the p-series test with “p = 1/2”. According to the p-series test, if the exponent “p” is less than or equal to 1, the series diverges.

In this case, “p = 1/2” is not greater than 1. Therefore, the series ∑(1/n⁰˙⁵) diverges. This means that as more terms are added, the sum of the series becomes infinitely large or approaches infinity.

Example 3

Consider the series ∑(1/n⁴) and analyze its convergence or divergence.


To examine the convergence or divergence of the series, we can apply the p-series test with “p = 4”. According to the p-series test, if the exponent “p” is greater than 1, the series converges.

In this case, “p = 4” is greater than 1. Hence, the series ∑(1/n⁴) converges. As more terms are added, the sum of the series approaches a finite value. Below we present the series convergence in figure-3.

P Series Test-Definition, Applications, and Examples (4)


Example 4

Determine the convergence or divergence of the series ∑(1/n).


To investigate the convergence or divergence of the series, we can utilize the p-series test with “p = 1”. According to the p-series test, if the exponent “p” is equal to 1, the test is inconclusive.

In this case, “p = 1” is not greater than 1. Therefore, the p-series test does not provide a definitive answer regarding the convergence or divergence of the series ∑(1/n). The series in question is known as the harmonic series, and it diverges to infinity.

Example 5

Investigate the convergence or divergence of the series ∑(1/).


To analyze the convergence or divergence of the series, we can apply the p-series test with “p = 2”. According to the p-series test, if the exponent “p” is greater than 1, the series converges.

In this case, “p = 2” is greater than 1. Therefore, the series ∑(1/) converges. As more terms are added, the sum of the series approaches a finite value.

Example 6

Determine the convergence or divergence of the series ∑(1/n⁵).


To determine the convergence or divergence of the series, we can use the p-series test with “p = 5”. According to the p-series test, if the exponent “p” is greater than 1, the series converges.

In this case, “p = 5” is greater than 1. Hence, the series ∑(1/n⁵) converges. As more terms are added, the sum of the series approaches a finite value.

Example 7

Determine the convergence or divergence of the series ∑(1/n⁰˙⁷⁵).


To investigate the convergence or divergence of the series, we can utilize the p-series test with “p = 3/4”. According to the p-series test, if the exponent “p” is greater than 1, the series converges.

In this case, “p = 3/4” is not greater than 1. Hence, the series ∑(1/n⁰˙⁷⁵) diverges. As more terms are added, the sum of the series becomes infinitely large or approaches infinity.

Below we present the series divergence in figure-4.

P Series Test-Definition, Applications, and Examples (5)


All images were created with MATLAB.

P Series Test-Definition, Applications, and Examples (2024)


P Series Test-Definition, Applications, and Examples? ›

When working with infinite series, you will want to know if they converge or diverge. With p-series, if p > 1, the series will converge, or in other words, the series will add up to a specific numerical value. If 0 < p ≤ 1, the series will diverge, which means that the series won't add up to a specific numerical value.

What is the P series? ›

1 np =1+ 1 2p + 1 3p + ... + 1 np + ... is called the p-series. Its sum is finite for p > 1 and is infinite for p ≤ 1. If p = 1 we have the harmonic series.

What is the difference between harmonic series and P series? ›

𝑝-series is a family of series where the terms are of the form 1/(nᵖ) for some value of 𝑝. The Harmonic series is the special case where 𝑝=1.

What does the p test say? ›

A test exists to describe the convergence of all p-series. That test is called the p-series test, which states simply that: If p > 1, then the series converges, If p ≤ 1, then the series diverges.

What is the difference between geometric series and P series? ›

A Geometric Series is the sum of a set of terms, where each term, ��������, is being multiplied by some ratio, ��������. The Geometric Series Test compares ���� with 1 to determine its behavior. A P- series is the sum of a set of terms, where the denominator of each term, 1n, is raised to some ���� value.

What is P Series used for? ›

When working with infinite series, you will want to know if they converge or diverge. With p-series, if p > 1, the series will converge, or in other words, the series will add up to a specific numerical value. If 0 < p ≤ 1, the series will diverge, which means that the series won't add up to a specific numerical value.

What is the difference between P Series and M series? ›

They have similar peak brightness, but the P Series has much better reflection handling, so it's a better choice for a bright room, as glare is less distracting. The P Series also has much better contrast, making it a better choice for a dark room, as blacks are deeper and more uniform.

What is an example of a harmonic series? ›

The sum of harmonic sequences is known as harmonic series. It is an infinite series that never converges to a limit. For example, let's take an arithmetic sequence as 5, 10, 15, 20, 25,... with the common difference of 5. Then its harmonic sequence is: 1/5, 1/10, 1/15,1/20,1/25….

What is the harmonic series used for? ›

As we will see, it is the basis for an effective chord voicing, to understand chord tones and tensions, scale construction and also rhythm. Briefly, the harmonic series, also referred to as the overtone series, occurs whenever you play a pitch in your instrument.

What is another name for a harmonic series? ›

A harmonic series (also overtone series) is the sequence of harmonics, musical tones, or pure tones whose frequency is an integer multiple of a fundamental frequency.

What does p test tell you? ›

The p value, or probability value, tells you how likely it is that your data could have occurred under the null hypothesis. It does this by calculating the likelihood of your test statistic, which is the number calculated by a statistical test using your data.

How to use the p test? ›

Point the absorbent tip (with 5 small openings) directly into the urine stream. Take the sample for at least 7-10 seconds, to ensure that an adequate sample is collected by the testing device. (Another technique is to collect the urine into a clean container and dip half of the absorbent pad for at least 10 seconds.)

How does p test works? ›

It works by measuring levels of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). A pregnancy test is around 99% reliable. It works by measuring levels of HCG in either the blood or urine. HCG can be present in the blood and urine approximately 10–14 days after conception.

What is P series? ›

In summary, in this lesson you learned the definition for what's called a p-series, which is an infinite series where p can be any real number greater than zero, which you can see appearing here:You also looked at many examples of p-series, including the harmonic series, which is the series that is formed when p = 1.

How do you know if a series is geometric or harmonic? ›

In an arithmetic sequence, there is a common difference between two subsequent terms. In a geometric sequence, there is a common ratio between consecutive terms. In a harmonic sequence, the reciprocals of its terms are in an arithmetic sequence.

How do you tell if a series is a geometric series? ›

One way to check if the sequence is geometric is therefore to divide any term in the sequence by the term preceding it, and then pick another (different) term, and divide this by the term preceding it. If the result is the same, then we have found the common ratio and the sequence is geometric.

What is the difference between V series and P series? ›

Let your message shine. The new V series screen provides effortless readability under common light conditions, thanks to a brightness output of 500 cd/m². The new P Series guarantees compelling readability even in bright ambient light conditions with high brightness levels of 700 cd/m².

What is the p-value of a series? ›

The p-value represents a probability of the error when expecting, that the trend differs from zero (i.e. probability, that there is no time change and the value is based on random fluctuations only).

What is the difference between S series and P series? ›

ComfortView Plus is also present here, as are thin bezels, 100Hz image refresh rate, 99 percent sRGB color coverage and 1500:1 contrast ratio. The S Series is distinguished from the P Series primarily by featuring integrated 5W speakers.

What is a P series computer? ›

The P series offers independent software vendor (ISV) certifications from software vendors such as Adobe and Autodesk for various computer-aided design (CAD) software. ThinkPad P series. ThinkPad P50, the 15.6" first model of the series released along the 17.3" P70. Developer. Lenovo.

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