The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


Trada Mark Beg. C. S. Fat OS.J League Contest By 34-To-26 Score. 16 f7 Gpi I I 'mutt, Just etevew CHAP mough- "fins, out a's ZT fl I 7rl just vwALes oWm We suirj Bought this frogsw.msX PeaAixv uhtH a Bit hot 1 fefNL 6oT TAlLOft COOCWT S0Ll).


t. P.I. i TO BOLSTER SQUAD Reams And Barlow Will ATHLETES BUSY Race Results And Cards -By. COMMENTING On- SPORTS FOURTH Purae ShOOO; tha'Ponchatoiila purse; POLY'BOOTERS DEFEAT W.ID. Engineers, Tied At Half Time, Speed Up To Trim Terrors.

LOYOLA COLLKGE Is national recognition and Is expected to make oven greater strides in another year or two. The Evergreen eleven has been ranked by the New York Tchyrum in the eastern list of teams, drawing a place in (lass University of Maryland, Geneva, Davis kins is placed in Class 11. Navy, of course, Is alone in Class 1, with Army, Lafayette and Brown in Class 2. Georgetown is listed anions; teams in Class 3, Pitt and Penn in Class 4, Princeton and Cornell in Class Yale, Penn and Harvard in Class 7, Dartmouth, Holy Cross and Test Virginia in Class 8, and so on down the line, through sixteen classes. fit the national ranking lint, three team arc mentioned in Clatx 1, Kav sharing the honor with Stanford and Alabama.

Sotre Dame and Army are among the teams in Class -2. 0 FOOTHALL SCHEDULES ABOUT CLOSED FOR 1927 FOOTBALL schedules for 1927 are being closed and there is little lioite of having more contests within the State. Another year probably will go by without the championship being decided, as the teams have booked most of their games with out-of-State colleges. Obligations to other institutions have been a stumbling block in making changes in but the schedules of 192S may lie arranged in such a manner that the title can be decided by victories instead of by comparative scores. ior ii-year-oicts; eve ana a iiaii iiirionub.

Martin's ('addy. Drunimer 106 KKl Jpshio Jielle MuiJoiioiigli Henry Sommers. 110! HKi One 1W Arrogant lou liriii's 1'ride 107 FIFTH Purso S1.000; claiming: for all asee: five and a half tur longs. HiB Swer-p 106 xFIaherty itOiDedans 108 100' SIXTH Purse S1.000; claiming; for 8-yeax-oldts anil tip; mile and a sixtet-inu. xFaeii7a.

107jonnavideo Delphi Kiiight Foolscap Curler ins xCritical Merriinae 112 Maurice lfslxAl Stebler Aluft nlicihle Rtrwtr. tAr. (ViYin fnnr. 107. SFVRVTH Purse claiming; for 3-jear-ohU and up; mile aud an eighth.

Kainkm lU.xTry 103 xFrenrell 113 xTtutton Hesert iold 10s xBolivar Bond 107 Scaiupawuy. 09i s.VprrentiPO allowance claimed. Weather clear: track fast. Dencio To Meet Myers In Ring Clash Friday Fight fans are expecting an Interesting bout Friday night at the Richmond Market Armory when Young Dencio and Johnny Jlyers come together to fight out the deadlock now existing between them. They have met three times, with each of the fishters getting a victory and a draw resulting in their last collision.

In the 10-round semi-windup Willie Ptomey will meet Mickey O'Brien. Lyons Eeady To Play. The Lyon Club of the J. E. A.

desires games with 100-pound class basketball teams. The Lyons will line up against the Alliance Club. The players are as follows: Levy. Goldstein, Friedman, Fried-lander, Mushbaum, Iiecklebaum. Meyer-son and Green berg.

Write David Green-berg, 2029 East Pratt street. HZ' mm 6 h. mf' Replace Krackovitch, Bernot And Rich. Failing to hit their stride until lie at few minutes of play, the Baltimore 'e basketball quintet dropped their "iid American League contest to the Chester club, by the score 0 34 to 20, ft night at Carlin's court before a iwd of fans. (The Rochester cagers the ral aggregation with clever flashes of jssing and teamwork in the early iges of the battle and were sailing pug with a 17-to-7 margin at half lie.

But backcourt passing nearly disastrous for the Yorkers I the Orioles broke through to click nine points in the last three minutes, he rally was too late and the local kb was counted as Rochester's first tim of the season. Four Foal TonkIiis. Unsteady shooting from the penalty tip worked havoc with the local quiu-t. The cutting-in style of the Roches-r club offered the Orioles 27 chances pm the la-foot line, but they regis-red on only 10. The New Yorkers opened with a rush steadily forged away.

Two by Sullivan and Krackovitch were total of the Orioles' efforts from the i- in the first half as Coach Sugar-1 tried several combinations against visitors. Stern broke into the limelight the second period, when he looped ough a pair of field goals to aid the fran Nick Harvey -in rallying the oles in a last desperate attack. The took renewed life- as the local crew but the effort was too late and a final whistle ended an offensive seriously threatened the New w-kers. Flayem Come And Go. Coach Sugarman is making every ef-t to give Baltimore a title-contender announced last night that he has Teddy Kearns and Barlow, two rrner Washington stars.

Bernot, Rich Krackovitch were released after st night's tilt and the new combina-m will be ready for the battle with Detroit here on Ueceinber 7. In the preliminary contest, the Berch- man Catholic Clnb five defeated the L'orkran-JIill cagers, 41 to 10. ROCHESTER. OltlOLKS. G.

V. T. Bernot. 0 0-1 0 Krackov'h. f.

1 2-1) 4 It. F. T. Rabin, Barry, f. Karlow, c.

Hilen, g. Mumby, Topel, 1- 1 7 12-3 14-0 Stem, 2 0, 0 4 Nmiannan, t. 0 2-7 2 Iliih. 0 0-0 0 1 0- 0 'I 3 1- 1 3 2-5 8 2 8-5 7 Harvey, 2 0-0 4 Sullivan, g. 1 8- A Totals 12 10-16 34 Totals 8 10-27 26 (Score ny halves: Rochester.

Orioles Referee Ward Bremian. 17 7 1926 BERCHMAN G. Toy. 3 Bosefisteel. t.

2 Brown, o. 4 Rankin, tl Disharon. g. 0 listou, 7 Doyle, 0 Plunkett, 1 Onorato, 0 Steiner. 0 O.

0. F. T. 1- 7 2- 6 6 ICORKRAS HILL CO. U.

F. T. Wirfleld, 0 0- 1 1- 3 2- 4 2- 4 1- 2 0- 0 0- 0 3- 0- 0 ifeitz, 4 llolecker, c. 0 MrXeul. n.

0 2- 4 101 1-2 1 0- 0 0 I'elerman, g. 1 Oollins. c. 0 i- 2 ir, o- 0-0 2 Smith, 0 Keil. Feuton, 0 (U o-oo Totals 17 7-17 41 1 Totals 5 9-19 19 Philadelphia rive Wins.

I Philadelphia, Nov. SO. Philadelphia defeated Chicago In an American League basketball game. 34 to 33. Newark Again Wins In Basketball Loop By Beating Y.

M. H. A. The Newark Plensnre Club won Its second basketball game In the Kaltimore League last night by defeating the Young Men's Hebrew Association, 23 to 20, In one of the best battles staged so far In the circuit. In the second contest of the evening Young Men's Christian Association took the Knights of Columbus Into cainp, 33 to 20, the latter sustaining its second setback of the season.

The othe clubs in the loop w.ith clean i slates are AruiiUels and Swimmers, with one win apiece. T. M. H. A.

u. r. li. I 1. Miller, t'tara, 0 Palk.

Hvatt. 3 4 10 2 8 7 1 1 8, 0 11 1 0 2 OOP Rosenheric. Decira. Silrerstein, g. Miller, 4'aplan, Schwartz, g.

Strimge, ltartos. Travcrs. f. RATED at the top of the American League pitchers is Lefty Groves, former Oriole, who is destined to become the strikeout king of base ball. Lefty's rating is not based on the number of games won and lost, the records being computed on a basis of etlicieney, or low percentage of earned runs.

Groves won thirteen games and on the part of his teammates to but Lefty was beaten in several l-to-0 and Tommy Thomas, former Oriole, who as member or the Chicago White Sox, had a better record in games won and lost, but allowed 3.80 runs per gamo against 2.51 by Groves. Tommy turned in fifteen victories and was defeated twelve times. Eddie Rommel, another Baltimore boy with the Athletics, won eleven games and was charged with, the same number of losses. He allowed 3.08 runs per game. 0 Walter Johnton, the Big Train, slowed down to the pace of a freight.

The veteran hnrlcr, hero of many campaigns in the American League, lost sixteen games and won one less. He teas touched up for an average of 3.01 runs per game. 6 1 ProsecutionWasn't Ready. World Champ's Counsel Charges "Animus." New Tork, Nov. 30.

Gene Tunney. world champion heavyweight, will be allowed to continue his theatrical engagement at a local theater until Thursday, at least, without interference by the authorities, as a result of an agreement arrived at in the West Side Court today. He was summoned at yesterday's matinee performance aud arrested when he appeared again last night for giving what was described as an unlicensed public boxing exhibition. Three Olbers Arrested. His two sparring partners and Joseph Euiinel, manager of the theater, were also arrested.

All were immediately released last night in $500 bai! each. The AVest Side Court was jammed today when Tunney and the others appeared before Magistrate Silberman. The defendants are specifically charged with violation of Sections 37 and 27 of the State boxing law and the Deputy Attorney-General asked for an adjournment of several days to look into the law. Counsel for the defense did not object but desired assurance that the performances could be given in the meantime. Postponed Until Tomorrow.

The magistrate set the case down for hearing at 3 o'clock this afternoon. When that was found, inconvenient for the prosecution the magistrate said that if there would ba, no interference "with this afternoon's show, lie would adjourn the ease until Thursday morning. This the State Attorney agreed to, adding that he would confer with the Boxing Commission. Tunney's counsel contends that the fighter's act is not a boxing exhibition, but a theatrical performance. "There animus behind this," he said.

Tad Jones To See Game. New l'ork, Nov. 30 (JP). Tad Jones, football coach at Tale, and Mrs. Jones left forf ulit'ornia to see next Saturday's frame lfctweon Notre Dame and Southern California, which Is coached by Tad'a brother, Howard.

'C if 1 1 4 rm hIi1biiiiimmw gssssj iSSSuf'mi'juii WaafMWMaM 1 ill mi tmwmmmwm m.m iiim FATE PLAYS TRICK ON GEORGE DAUSS FWTE played a mean trick on George Dauss, of the Detroit Tigers. He Is not credited with pitching a complete game all Although he worked twelve innings in one contest. He was sent in as relief hurler in the first session nnd remained in the battle until the twelfth round, when he was defeated. Ted Lyons, of Chicago, pitched the only no-hit game of the year. No one-hit contests are listed, although there were many two and three-hit battles.

1 eiiioiFinniisinslv w-w AT FOREST PARK Soccer, Swimming, Basket ball And Indoor Track On Program. Although only a newcomer to the Maryland scholastic ranks, rorest Park High School will undoubtedly come in for its share of honor during the winter season. Athletic Director Itex Sims is not centering 011 any special sport, but will enter teams in every, branch of fered for competition during the indoor schedule, Soccer and basketball hoJd the center of the stage at present and both are holding their own in the early stages. Each clicked oft a victory yesterday, the booters defeating St. Al- ban's, of Washington, 2 to 1, and the cagers taking the measure of Towsou High, 29 to 20.

Out For Track I.nnrel Forest Park's colors have flashed down the home stretch in front many times since its first trot 011 the indoor tracks and the runners are looking for ward to adding more trophies to the st-ing. Lust season brilliant perform ances by Lockard, Morrison and Frankil brought both the Penn and Cornell cuns to Forest Park. Anxious to prove their right to the second leg of these trophies, the Forest Parkers are strong backers of the Mary land Interscholastic indoor meet planned for this -winter. The cups are rep resentative of both South Atlantic and scholastic records and with the Fifth Kegimcnt-IJopkins games in doubt, Sims is anxious for the prep meet in order to keep the prizes working. Swimmers Busy The Y.

M. C. A. tank is a busy place as Coach George. Btthlke 'sends the Forest Park swimming squad through stiff workouts three days a week.

The natators have nlready booked dual meets with City, Poly, Loyola, Culvert Hall, Friends and Central High of Washing ton, as wetl as the Intcrscholastics. Athletic Director Ilex Sims will start the annual interclass basketball tourneys for both the ajad senior high Bchools next week. Last year a string of 60 teams competed in the boys' division and io in the girlr bracket. The soccer team has a game pending with City College on Friday. The rest of the schedule follows: December 7 Gilman, away (league).

Herein her 11 Tome. awav. Decnruber 13 Mount St Joseph's, hom*o (leaiiiie). December 20 Mount St. Joseph's.

(league). 4 Calvert Hall. home. January 7 Severn away. January 12 Oilman, home (league).

January 14 Foly, home. Jauuary 11) Severn, home. Forest Park Quintet Opens With Victory Forest Park High School basketball quintet opened its season with a 29-to-20 victory over the Towson High cagers yesterday afternoon. Coach Axman gave his full squad a workout and took the opportunity to strengtnen team piny. Brilliant shooting by Rosenthal and Sneiderninn carried the Foresters to a fair margin.

The victors found a little trouble hitttng steady pace In the first period and hold only a single-point margin at the half. But Axman's quint found itself at the start of the second half and after packing away a nine-point edge, the second stringers took up the buttle. The Forest Parkers will make their debut in the Maryland Scholastic League on Thursday afternoon when they entertain Poly at the home court. FOREST PARPt HIOH.I TOWSON li. T.

G. Y. T. Rosenthal, 5 Sneirierman. f.

4 4 14r)oukaa ,8 2 Hinnx, i Kniulit. 0 Seilier. 0 0 Hiebarrlson. f. 2 2 Lent, 0 0 Logan, c.

2 1 0 0 Dugan, 0 0 G. Howard, g. 0 0 minora. 0 0 o. 0 Heath, 0 2 2 Clabaugb, g.

2 iHaaes, g. 0 Sahin. 0 Caplan, g. 0 i r. 0 0 0 0 Totals 11 7 28' Totals 7 0 20 Score by halve' Porrat Park High 10 1029 Towson High tl 1120 Referee St.

Alban's Booters Bow To Foresters jjiiiuiuii. ueiciisive vtiu ny oresi Park's soccer eleven -earner! ir. victory over St. Alban of Washington, yesterday afternoon at the local pitch. The visitors Jockeyed their wav through the Foresters defense to register the initial tally.

Hut the Forest Park line bolstered and held the visitors safe nnd then Llnsita dribbled down to ven the count with a neat goal. The rlvnls battled on even tftrma until al.Aiit I i. i itc iiiiiiuie hi inn sec ond session, when Harris cut through St Albans line and gave the local team the edge. Forest Park, never 11 St. Albtui's.

ft Manning i Train her ton Ashmrre Smith fonifis Hunt CraiiEii Snrke r.arber niumlierg Hutton Klilha V. ir Itownthal j(! u' lladart leapt.) P. Jonea o. Woodall I. Limits natulan I.M Si-ore hv halm.

Forest a 1 Ol i'i aioans. wise tor Atherton. Goals Hum. Llpsitg, HarrR Eedw'ings Challenge. The Redwing A would like to games with t('ams Address John Monio, itOJ est urtU avenue.

Westminster, Nov. 30. Western Maryland College soccer team could not take up the victorious march where its football team dropped it and was defeated this afternoon at the hands of the Poly booters, of Baltimore, 5 to 3. There was not much of an advantage either way during the first half of the battle and half time found the teams deadlocked at 1 to 1. Flaherty put one into the net for Poly in this period and Willis matched it for the Green iXerrors.

Poly showed its supremacy in second knlf, however. Flaherty scored another goal for the preps, who added to their count on other boots by Fcld-nian, Hutlert and White. Willis got his second goal for Western Maryland in this period, and Umbarger, substituting for Barnes, shot the Collegians' other score. Poly (5). TliEer Tazourek Mutch lleatty I'tliluian Sweiger Irillahunt lliulert White Flaherty ItiicRley Western Maryland (3).

Howard L.B... R.B... L.H... It.H... C.H...

O. I.R... Ellis Smith Reed Sullivan Nichols WiUis Banies Govinston Funk McCauh-y Escepci jrfk mmr iirnni MT'tfi mtmr SM Mem mm Fine uc 2 pLmm mm Jesse A. Linthicum Sporti Editor of The Sun No. 0, along with Western Maryland, and Klkins and several others.

lion- lost the same number, but failure behind him figured in half the defeats. 2-to-l contests. played his first year in the majors Scholastic Wrestlers Set Dates For Meets The Maryland Interscholastic Wrestling League took a new lease on life last night when the representatives of the different schools met at Giluian Country School and adopted the 1927 schedule. McDonogli School is the newcomer to the ranks, replacing the Army-Navy Prep School squad, which dropped out. The schedule will open with a double dual meet on January 7, with Poly entertaining Gilman, last year's champion, and Severn visiting McDonogh at Pikesville.

The date for the interscholastic championships was tentatively set for February IS and 19, pending the announcement as to the date of the Middle Atlantic title tourney staged under the auspices of the X. M. C. The 1927 schedule 7 Gilman at Poly ana Severn at Au-Driiiogli. January 14 City at Gilman.

Poly at Severn, McDonogh at Calvert Hall. January Gilman at Calvert Hall. January 21 Poly at City. January 22 Severn at Gilman. January 28 Calvert Hall at City.

Poly at Mrlxmogh. February 4 Calyert Hall at Severn, McDonegh at tlty. Kbntary Gilman at MrDonrgri. felnuary 11 City at Severn, Calvert Hall at 1 oly. February 18 and 1 0 Intersr-holastics (pending).

Poly Basketball Schedule Announced The Baltimore Polytechnic Institute cagers will be kept busy during the next two months, according to the schedule announced last night. Tomorrow Poly meets the Forest Park quint in a league game to be held in the latter's gym. Other games will be played in the following order: PSi; at CarlinX game) iicuuiug. league ecemser 10 nine Ridne, at. New Windsor.

Jiecember lo Loyola, at Carlin's fleasuei. lleeember li Gonzaiia, at Carlin's. Herembel Calvert Hall, at Carlin's. 10 Gilman, at Oilman (iemruel. January 14 City College d.laee pending).

January 1 avy Plehcs. at Annanoii-" Janinry 1 M. Jo, at Carlin's lleaco.) January 1R Calvert Hall (place January 21 lorest Park, at Carlin's (league) January 2 Tome, ac Port Deposit. 2 Wation. at Carlin's Uragnet Wilmington High, at Wilmington tehruary 8 Loyola, at Loyola (leapie).

11 City College (place pending) rZZZ IrviriKtm, league). vll IS at Carlin's (leaeuel. lebniary 9 Ilagerstown High, at Hagrndnmt trlrnary 2.u Hiah. Alexandria. February Gonzaga.

at VVanhington Twelfth Straight Win. The Reid Memorial quant won its twelfth straight victory by defeating the Govans Polish Club, 'i'bc former has rbiycd together for the Inst four years and is rogardoil as one of the cleverest 1 1.V pound tAnntu It. -1 was the individual star, accounting for 21 uf Reld points. 1 Jew Orleans) Result. Bit the Associated Press.

first race Tigress, 112 IJ. Thomas), $3.40. J2.t)0 and S2.4i) 1 xScoliarul. 115 W. Gamer).

S4.X0 and $1.20. 2 1'alalino Lad. 115 (Frank). 3 Fire Doir. Glemima.

Ossie 11. Juliette Esouin, Boots Jist, Sieji Mtrgon. xMidS Winsome. Sweet itei-oiieenous aim jonteel also ran. xField.

Julie, US (Serenihal. S4. 4 and tu Run Dark. HID I vim I. Si.

'JO and 40 Overdraft. 110 (Cooper). S2.80 3 Myra M. (. intajn llaney.

Cream ruff. h.ia. Ena and Jim Bethel also ran. THIRD Seereey. VW (Froggate).

S12.20. $7 and $5.20 1 Sb.iBtu Butte. 98 (Tlarnetl). and 2 Marion KliKibeth. 100 IKmervi.

S4.40 3 War Grail. Bumhorne, (loliien Top. Solid Gold, uatneda, Dick. Kusnee. Having Lady and Embryo also ran.

FOritTH Friglnlul. 108 (J. McCoy). $8.60. $4.40 and S4dO 1 107 (Mnoup).

$4 and $3.60 2 Bosh. 111!) (Miser). $6 3 uespanl. lirowsy wattrs. rrinec rausto.

Jake and Jealous also ran. FIFTH Hr. Glenn. 113 (D. Smith).

$5.40. and 1 Red Heart. 110 (Hutton). $10.40 and $4.40 2 Dry 113 (Workman). $2 40 3 Billv Wilt.

Point. Oharlseita Yoohoo. Taleqiia, Kiyi. Hanky Iiice and Barbara Palmer also ran. SIXTH Old Slip, 122 (Boganowskil.

$4.40 and 1 Brilliant. (ranfleld). $27.20 and $11.00.... 2 MeTiiikle, 104 3 Silver Song, Blockhead. Resonrreful.

Georgia Rose, Thrace and Little Visitor also ran. SFTV'KNTH co*ckney, 109 (Hanmn). $8.40. $5 and $4.40.. 1 Hopeless.

108 (Finnortv). and $4.40 2 Flighty. 10." (Workman). Guest of Honor. Kandoit.

Dentaria. Spandor, Clique and Duekweed also ran. Clique, and Duckweed left at uost Tljnmia Resnltt. By the Associated Press. FIRST RACB- James' B.

Brown, llit (Daiton), $3.60 anil' ib.20 2 Stamp. 106 (Lalciley). $,1 3 Smiling. Goldstein, Coombs. Lord Prim and Chief Clerk also ran.

SKCOND Malanha. 110 (Tanlin). $23.20. $7.60 and $7.00. 1 Frank Sumuter.

108 (Poternell), $3.60 and $3.20 2 Bronco Girl, 105 (McClair), $0.80 3 The Gaff, Wee Girl, Kitty Olympian King, Water Shot aud Norileld also ran. THIRD Ask John, 104 (Jones). $4 and $3.00 1 l'ie Franciscan. 112 (Buckl. $.12.20 and $7.20..

Fireplace. 113 (Dofordj, $11 3 liarrigan's Heir, Golden Bed, Deer Trail, Japmee, Blue Jtiss ana itock liomb also ran. FOURTH Oucrulons, 103 (Petemell), $0.20, $4 and $2.60 1 Jliss Enimert. 101 (Craigrtyle), $10.00 and $4.. 2 Nantucket, 105 (Peterson $2.00 Follow Me, Poppina, Lady Berrilldon, Brother John nnd Woodie Montgomery also rau.

FIFTH Silent King. 108 (Elston). $7.80. $11.20 anrl $4. 1 Gloom Girl, 103 (Peterson), $17.40 and $0.60.

2 Banlalid. 105 (Craikmylel. $3.20 8 Irvington, Chili Con Came. Pretext. Bunbury.

Jetsam, Hamp aud London Smoke also ranL Better Ixck, 110 (Hesbain), $6. $3.40 and $2 00 1 Be Frank, 110 (Beford). $4,40 and $3.20 2 Parnell. 105 (Austin). $4.20 3 Coffield, Billy Todd.

Frank Bailor, Edmon, Shasta Grande and BaUim also ran. Brom, 108 (Oottemp). $5. $2.80 and $2.20... 1 PriMid Jop ION (Austin).

$3 and $2.40 2 Raymond Dale, 108 (Graham). $2.40 3 Silver State. Snoqualmie. Walter and Cleo'a Homester also ran. piohth Conclusive.

110 (Mantg). $0. $3.30 anrl $2.60. 1 Bank (Peterson). $3 80 and $2.80....

2 Snow Cap. 110 (Daiton). $3.40 3 Lady Lhoco, ainiinee iuoi. neiuioii. imw) Iottie Lorraine and Praiseworthy also ran.

Tijuana Card. FIRST RACE Purse $800; claiming: tor 3-year-olds and up; six furlongs. Mr Pat Ill, Move On Seth 110 Polo Star 118 Singapore J10 Jav HOiKeala 110 iTailteann lnSjKilauea 110 iMidnigilt llO.Rilnerva 102 Belle of Milton 10.1 Dover xGoIrt Mark Dumbfounder. SKCOND Purse loriUCuemavaca 10.) 10.V $300: (or 2-year-old maidena: rive furlongs. Soldier Byrd 101).

Srrmers Heir 107 Handsome 104 Genelcite 100 Movie Star 1041 Tomorrow 104 Athelina 104 Jola Shot 109 Cible 106' THIRD Purse $800; claiming; tor S-year-olrli and up: one mile. Wise Cracker 100 Mannilrin 104 sRest Fellow 104 Wood Lady 101 sBrown Betty 10(1 Smart Guy 108 Cadmus imlAristotle 104 xllney. I'HjxQtiecreek 101 Metal HMllInvictus 101 sLord Prim 101 Tanson 101 FOURTH Purse $800: claiming; tor all agea; five and a half fm'lnmts. sSnookie l12lFranees Ttork. 112 Nell 106! Queen 117 Rosamond 1121 Stardust 112 Shasta Pine.

09 FIFrH Purse $800; claiming; for and no: one mile. Breechloader H2Wee Toddler 112 Tia Seth 112 Duly Boy 112 Nancy Wjrfet 100 lohn Morrill 117 Liu-ky Kim lia SIXTH Purse $1,000: handicap; for 8-year-olds and no; Hish Princo OdlOonshow 105 Belnonia Dr. Clark 100 f'John Johnson, Jr. .310 SEVENTH Purse claiming; for 3-year-olds and un: mile and ci yards. ITnionville 111 Wiltrnde Wood 00 I'atlian 101 Hoyal Princess de 100 EIGHTH Purse $SOO; claiming; all agea; four nnd A lia furloncs.

My Friend Pat Kinkead 114 111 113 117 117 110 104 aDecorrtion ljisa. liniicoxtisn iaa. John UTauklin inu.nen... Milne Piitlon Queen Anna Marie 114 Headache 113 Vauomian.

112I.M1 Mum iiemon setn Ca and Gown airwin lino eniry. xApiirentice allowance claimed. Weather clear: track good. New Orleunai Cnrd. FIRST RACE Purse $1 000; claiming; for' S- yeiir-oi'lfi; six lurioniri xWaard l(K)Olympic 11.1 Laddie Go 113 vlng Syn 113 l.Iane Kl.VI.ord Meise 113 sSinnkv Daf 1( Helen 110 xllarilek 113 Gettysburg 108 Grapestone 108 Also eiiginie Lonnony.

ion; xdoo aldlnj. 1U3: Ijidy Allen. 100: Foreland. 108: xNablsco, 108; Timothy, 108. SECOND Purse rlalming; for 3 -j ear- olds ano no: utile un i tu varus.

iSt. Donard liwil'ntrieil ins Burnt un Sir lta'oh lux xfateaby lHULieut. Hint 1113 xAwle Plane OO'Chareoal lll.S xNortherft KlSU'virt-enie 108 Clent 106 xSun Hathor Ill Also leible Harry K. Ill): xllonirhnrpcnn. Ill; iTurner, 107; xWest Point, 104; Fair Light.

113 THIRD Purse 11.000- claiming: (or 8-year-olda and no: mile and 70 vanls. IiiawKeye 104 111 113 v.My Biddy. xMliony oevemrn Sister Sw Kiciipiieu xGreat Northern ior lliliouity. inn Nereid Wauiti lOHijMark Autele 1u; A so elnrlMe Aminie. 10(l: Knit i 108: Dr. 110: Private SeLh. 112 EET the man who smokes EI Producto Princeton Gridders Name Moeser Captain Princeton, N. Nov. 30.

Charles Rowe Jloeser, of Cincinnati, star Princeton end for the past two years, was elected captain ot the Tiper football teom at a meeting of the letter men held here today. Moeser has held down a regular post at right end since sophom*ore year, when he nnd Frank Lea were made over into the best pair of winemen Princeton has had for years. Neither had played end before. Moeser prepnred for Princeton at Lawrenceville. where he starred in Tnt-ball, track and basketball.

InUiitt freshman year he won his numerals, in both football and track and followed that lip with two varsity major sport letters in football and track his sophom*ore year. The election today completes a long list of Princeton captains who hnve played in the line. Not since the days of Hobey Baker in 1013 has a Princeton captain played In the backfleld. Moeser follows two championship tennis led by Ed McMillan and John Invls. Sport Briefs.

By the Associated Press. Army captains apparently are as partial to having the number "10'' on their backs as Bed Grange was to his famous "77." Ed Garbisch, who captained and kicked the Army to victory over the Navy two years ago at Baltimore, sported "10," which now is the favorite unmoor Lighthorse Harry Wilson, 1927 captain-elect. Not since the famous Callahan brothers. Tim and Mike, battled each other in the center of the Yale-Princeton rush line has there been a more spirited "brother act" on the gridiron than the tussle between Arthur Born, Navy right guard, and Charley Born, Army left end. Arthur Born was a substitute halfback until this year, but took to the line like a duck to water and spilled Brother Charley on the play that resulted In the Navy's third touchdown.

So long as the gate receipts, in accordance with amateur rules, are "devoted solely to tennis purposes." the United States Lawn TennlB Association would not object to the proposed match on the Pacific Coast between Mile. Lenglen and Helen Wills, in the opinion of Jones W. Mersereau, president of the association. Whether or not Mile. Lenglen's manager.

C. C. Pyle. will permit her to play without financial reward Is another matter, Henry A. Kussell, sensational Cornell sprinter who captured the Intercollegiate 100 and yard championships last spring, is in training again at Philadelphia under the watchful eye of F.awson Unhertson.

Pennsylvania mentor and head coach of the 1024 Olympic team. Russell likely will be seen in action during the coming Indoor season, when he may get a chance to oppose Roland Locke, Nebraska star. He also hag his eye on the 192S Olympic To Hold Run Tonight. The Cross Country Club and tl rtoneydu Athletic Club will hold ,1 jint live-mile street run at o'clock tonight. fc, iter.

f'W-i vk-. and the chances ate he'll tell you that he smokes El Prodacto all the time. Why? Because El Producto is mild, yet distinctive and the quality never varies. Prove it for yourself in the size you prefer 10c to 30c G. H.

P. Cigar Inc. Philadelphia, Pa. Distributor Ounicl Lonffhran Inc. 810 Hanover St.

Baltimore, Mri. l'bone Calvert 6934 Baer, 0 0 0 7 23 Totals 6 8 20 Referee Neun. Umpire Lentz. r. m.

c. a. G. P. T.

K. OF O. u. r. i.

Clark, 8 1 7 rtiehl, Huilv, Kelley, Morria, g. Hane, Scheckels. DreiRcii, f. 'Logan, Quinn, 113 2 2 8 Ifurke, 1 liumielly, 2 K' krich, 0 Mi-Quay, 8 JHllsbM. 3 Kaufman, 1 0 2, 1 5 2 4 ,000 12 4 2 15 0 0 0 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 7 33' Totals 7 6 20 Iteferee Intl.

Umpire Neun. The league standing follows: P.O. 1.001 1 .000 Kewark. i 1 V. M.

1 V. M. H. A. I Allied B.

A. K. of E. A. 115-Pounders Beat Memorial Quint the Jewish Educational Alliance 115- lind basketball team opened lis season 111 a win over the Brown Memorial I.

23 to 18, in an Interesting contest. h. A. TR.iMl BUOW.N MKMIUUAL. A G.

K. Ti G. F. mi, Kelly, f. 3 HiirlisipilT.

liljlisipni. 3 tiiManorn, a liiKl.iirk'. 4 stChsnrelor. 3 0 0 ..3 0 i f. .300 nonitbur, g.

0 0 OlColi'innu. R. 0 0 0 Unison, 1 2C. K-lly. 0 0 I'tiiJirr.

1 2co*ckey. 0 0 0 Lcy. 0 Totals It 1 23' Totls 9 0 18 1 Sei-re by qunnm: .1. P. A HiVlA 10 22.1 llrmvn Manorial 4 1 418 Matsuyama Defeated By Bos In Cue Contest 'htladelnlila, Nov.

30 W). Ary Bos. of this city, ui'eued his ciiiiipnijrn tonicht rn' riovery or the national junior "ilk-line chamiiionf hii liy le-f'ttiut; Fvinroy Ma'suyainn. the title-lioliicr. 4i to ROD, In the first block of their l.Ki-yolnt match.

3 for 50c buo of Foituue. 108. i.

The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.