The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

Saturday Evening, October 7, 1922 APPLETON POST-CRESCENT Page Nine BEG PARDON KATHLEEN IIS Alvin Rohloff, not Ervin J. Rohloff, submitted to an operation In St. Elizabeth hospital Thursday morning. The Post Crescent erred in its news REFUSES TO 'CUT' F80TB8 account Friday. LATEST BOOK 1 HAVE YOU NOTICED? I wonder has any passerby noticed South African natives regarded Oom Paul as being absolutely wrflf4flin Pennla Of Imnnranr.A" Jr the astonishing appearance in the show windows of a leading merchant.

A winter scene adorns the left side and a semi summer the right. The trimmer evidently has a good sense of Among Leaders ai Public Library SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1922 Kaukauna Ball Park WASHINGTON ATHLETIC CLUB of Milwaukee VS. KAUKAUNA AMERICAN LEGION C. S. SOMETHING WRONG HERE What's the matter with Appleton 'Tm Qoing to Fight for My Husband A resolve and a weapon 99 girls? As I was walking down Ap- pleton-st the other day I noticed a The Post-Crescent is ottering an unusual opportunity to observing readers to win free tickets to "Blood ana Sand," the great Valentino pic ture which will be shown for six days in Fischer's Appleton theatre beginning on Monday.

This is one of the greatest pictures ever produced and no doubt will break the attendance records 6et by "The Storm," last The Post-Crescent is particularly desirous that adults take advantage of this offer. It wants short stories of attention of reporters. Bright sayings of children, anecdotes, jokes, while they might be used, are not nearly as desirable as brief accounts of unusual happenings, with a real human interest, written in an entertaining fashion. This section should be the most interesting in the paper but it all depends upon its readers. Persons whose contributions are printed should call at the Post-Crescent office for their tickets.

Eead the instructions in the adjoining column and send in your letters. rpHE POST-CRESCENT, always alert for unusual happenings, realizes that its staff of reporters cannot possibly report everything of interest that occurs in its reading area, therefor it wants every one of its readers to be its reporter. The Post-Crescent ibM give two tickets to Fischer's Appleton theatre, good for any motion picture program except Sunday, for each item printed in this section. Tickets will be available at this office immediately after publication of the items. WRITE ABOUT UNUSUAL HAPPENINGS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD.

Confine them to 125 words or less. All communications must be signed by writer's name, not for publication, but for purposes of identification. Initials only will be printed. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT very nice looking young man in a new Ford Coupe and all he had to occupy his attention was to pet the dog on the seat beside him. 'Certain People of Importance" by Kathleen Norriv one of the most popular book at the Public library this week, will not appear as a serial story.

Mrs. Norris does not wish to mutilate her book by cutting It to fit serial requirements and recently she refused an offer of $30,000 because she could not bear the thought of chopping off any part of the story or doing away with a single character. She lived for three years with the people of the story, witb May and crabbed old Fanny, pa, the girls, their aunts and cousins and she wanted the story to reach Its readers with its history complete. "The Return of Alfred" by the author of "Patricia Brent Spinster," and "On Tiptoe" by White are the other two books in greatest demand this week among fiction1 works. The two non-fiction books, "Mina in the Making," by Robinson, and Game Called at 2:30 C.

A. W. 3 of Mankind," by Van Loon have ap SPENT HALF HER TIME IN BED Farmer's Wife Tells How Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Made Her a Well Woman Carter's Creek, Tenn. "Three years ago I was almost an invalid. I peared on the list before.

"The Story The Art of- of Mankind" probably is one of the widest read non-fiction books of the year. It deals with the history of the human race, beginning in the earliest periods and treats man as a link in SaYibg cent. Prizes will be paid for "tips" to news stories not printed In this section. BE SURE OF VOUR FACTS. to "I SPIED TODAY" of the Post-Crescent noi day of publication.

Ad-to "I Spied Today" Edi the endless chain of human develop ment. TlnT husband is becoming mora and more interested in other women. I'm going to fight for him. I am young and not unattractive. But I realize that I have neglected my appearance since our marriage.

My hair looks faded, and my personality seems to have faded with it Tell me how to make my hair beautiful again." "AWAKENED YOU can give new vividness to your personality, by using a foucn of henna in your shampoo. "A touch of henna shampoo" will bring out the brightest glint and luster of your hair, its richest natural tones, to set off your ayes and skin with telling affect For your chief weapon In the fight for your husband's love, use Hennafoam Shampoo. This delicately fragrant liquid contains a touch of henna, scientifically treated, and blended with pure vegetable oils that cleanse and refresh tha hair. Hennafoam Shampoo will make any shade of hair radiant. 50c a bottle If you witness an accident, or fire or know of any other news story, telephone 543 and ask for the CITY EDITOR of the Post-Cres- Your communications should be in the office later than 11 o'clock on dress or telephone them tor.

SHE HIT HIM HARD The other evening as I was walking down Lawrence-Bt. I saw a young girl hurrying along the street carrying a leather bag. A man who was walking back of her toqt her arm and seemed to ask her something, without a word she raised her bag and hit him square in the face. The bag must have contained bricks for he walked away holding his head, and stagging. C.

R. spent nati oi my time in bed, being afflicted with a MCE KICKED Saving is not a Science it is an Art. A Science is something that can be taught from a book, and Art is something you learn through practice. There is only one way to master this Art. Begin to Save, and keep it up.

Open a Savings Account in this Bank. OUT BY CHURCH trouble which women of a certain age are apt to have. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Tablets and used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash.

I am a well woman now SOME COLOR EFFECT Otto Cronce's aspirations in the fistic t-am a utprp pivpn a setback Friday Today I spied an ad in last week's night when he was knocked out in the MOON MADNESS My bed stands near a window that opens out upon the street. About 1:30 this morning I was awakened from a pleasant dream by. "Tesh must go home Tesh College Avenue Tesh Go home Go home Tesh." I looked out of the window and saw a poor mortal, dressed in men's clothes, wandering in a dazed condi paper for Rainbow Gardens. This is what it said, "Dancing by Beasley's five colored musicians." I only hope sixth round by Toung Church In a prelimnary go on the opening boxing card at Green Bay. The Kaukauna the colors were harmonious.

H. D. boy was helpless. Speedy Sparks won a ten round de tion from one side of the walk to the other and then forward a step or two. JUDGMENT.

GOOD AND BAD A Menasha car was parked on Ran-kin-st. facing the wrong way. A truck going south was about to pass a street car going north at the place the auto stood. When the tauck driver noticed there was not room to pass he set his brakes but the street had just been sprinkled and his truck skidded twenty feet right into the auto; his front wheel locked onto the fender of the auto but with the help of the motor man who stopped his car he finally extricated the truck. The woman who had been driving the Menasha car said to the truck driver.

"You are a cil. 8:00 P. Wednesday, the ex ecutive committee of the Dorcas so' As it was a beautiful moonlight I Couinty Baek cision over Jimmy Nuss in the main event. Harold Bilzi of Appleton lost a six round decision in his argument with Frank Dory of Marinette. In the other opener Gannon eat Buddy Vernon In six rounds.

ciety will meet at the parsonage. 2:30 P. Thursday, the Womens Mis night I came to the conclusion he had and have been for two years. I can work as well as any one who is rounger and as I am a farmer's wife have plenty to do for I cultivate my own garden, raise many chickens and do my own housework. You may publish this letter as I am ready to do anything to help women as I have been so well and happy since my troubles are past "-Mrs.

E. T.Gifc-LOWAY, Carter's Creek, Tenn. Most women find plenty to do. If they are upset with some female ailment and troubled with such symptoms as Mrs. Galloway had, tha Smallest duty seems a mountain.

If you find it hard to keep up, if you are nervous and irritable, without ambition and out of sorts generally, sionary society will meet with Mrs, had too much moonshine to turned over and went back to my dreams. Wm. Helm, 1023 Packard-st. Reports of the convention at Marinette will be given. You are cordially in L.H.

D. A HELPING HAND Yesterday I say a "little mother" SHAMPOO "Makes the hair glisten" vited to worship with us. First Reformed Church. Corner Hanco*ck and Lawe-st. Edward P.

Nuss, Pastor hesitating at crossing College-ave. at Appleton St. with her baby carriage. poor judge of distance," He made no reply but the writer judged by the ex-nresslon on the man's face that he TRY A POST-CRESCENT WANT AD. Sunday school at 9:00 A.

M. Eng Itfb tho VmtoWi (mnounrt a trim A high school football player, coming from practice, accompanied her across the busy thoroughfare. lish service at 10:15 A. M. C.

E. at used rare Judgmeint in not expressing bis thoughts at that time. H. J. L.

6:30 P. M. Topic: "The Folly of Pro crastination." Eccl.9:10. Leader, Re gina Lemberg. A good meeting as C.

C. "COAL BLACK MAMMY" IS DEMAND IN MUSIC STORES "Coal Black Mammy" by Heiler has been in greatest demand in sheet music in Appleton for the week, it appears on three of the four lists of most popular music. The fact that it has been a good seller for some time and seems to be increasing in popularity is rather unusual. Homesick by Berlin, ranks second in demand but the following have all been excellent sellers. Meyer-Seeger Music Co.

Say it While Dancing, Silver; All Over Nothing at All, Rule; Mellow Moon, Hall; Coal Black Mammy, Helier; Kashmiri Song, Flnden. Carroll Music Chop Truly, Vincent ed to hear the speaker of the evening. Tuesday afternoon at 3 clock Circle No. 5 will meet in the church parlors. fled.

Everybody welcome. Ph. Hv C. Froehlke, pastor. First Baptist Church A.

L. McMillan, Minister school at 10:00 A. M-, morn sured. Everybody kindly invited to attend our C. E.

meetings. Do not put off until tomorrow, what you can do today. Do not try to put off until tomorrow, that part of your service to God, which is expected of you today. Thursday 2 P. M.

the Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. Gust Schaffelke, Freedom-rd. Mrs. Martin, captain. At 3:30 the W.

H. M. S. will hold their monthly meeting in the church parlors, to be followed by missionary tea at 6 o'clock. Everyone is urged to attend.

lng worship at 110. Young Peoples meeting at 6:30. Miss Kathryn Arnold erouD captain will have charge 1M igsfel lore teaafe of the meeting. Evening services at Four o'clock the Kings Heralds will meet in the auditorium to practice 7:30. Mid-week service at 7:30, Tnurs day evening.

First Congregational Church H. E. Peabody, pastor Rose; Coal Black Mammy, Homesick, Berlin; I'm Just Wild About Harry, for the pageant. Please remember the candy sale at the missionary tea and bring your candy with you at 4 o'clock. Look! Look! Wednesday evening at 6:30 the Sun Sissle and Blake; Suez Grofe and De Rose.

Irving Zuelke Music Cow Bells, Al day School board will meet at the church for supper. Teachers and of 9:30 Sunday school. 11:00 morning worship. Anthem: "Like a Choir of Angels." Sermon to boys and girls: "The Friendly Church." Solo: "If God So Clothe the Grass." Sermon: pine; Come Along, I'm Thru Worry- ficers please keep this in mind ana be on time. A short business session.

"The rhurch as a Fellowship." Mr. The Young Married peoples ciud ing, Ziegfeld Follies; Homesick, Berlin; "Who'll Take My Place, Cooper. Miss S. E. Anderson I Go to Claim My Love, Royce; Sunset Valley, John If you are particular about the quality of Eatables you serve and at the same time wish to buy as will have a reception at the parson? age at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening.

This is the first meeting of the year Cross. 6:30 Christian Endeavor, led by Mr. Cross on the subject: "The Good Year Ahead Of Us." Meetings of all the committees will follow the Meyer; Love's Paradise, Royce; Coal Black Mammy, Helier; Fateema, and every member should plan to be there. Mrs. Fox, president.

Hughes. Thursday evening prayer meeting discussion. Emmanuel Evangelical Church H. A. Bernhardt.

Pastor at 7:30. economically as possible, you will do well to patronize our store. Remember, APPLICANTS, WRITE Start a Savings Account The Success of anyone's business lies in the ability of STARTING OUT RIGHT, and you cannot help YOURSELF in any better way than STARTING a SAVINGS ACCOUNT. We are making a very liberal offer to anyone starting a Savings Account with our bank, and we have found out from past gxperience that we have more friends and better depositors by starting you in just this way." Sunday morning woship at 10:00 FOR P0STOFFICE JOBS First English Lutheran Church North and Drew-sts. F.

C. Reuter, Pastor Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday school at 9:30. Adult bible o'clock. Bible school at 11:15 A.

Junior Y. P. A. at 10:00 A. inter mediate T.

P. A. at 6:45 P. senior Y. P.

A. at 6:45 P. Topic: "The Folly of Procrastination. Evening class at 9:45. Morning worship with too, promptness and courtesy are combined with high quality and reasonable prices to make it a pleasure to trade Twenty-one, applicants took the clerk-carrier civil service examination for the Appleton postoffice Saturday morning.

A much larger number of nreachine service at 7:30 P. M. Mid sermon at 10:30. The last of a series of sermons on the Apostolic creed. Sermon subject for Sunday morning.

week prayer meeting on Thursday at men asked for application blanks 7:30 M. I Believe In Everlasting Life." You are welcome to worship with us. but many of them came too late. The examinations were conducted in a Regular meeting of the church Trinity English Ev. Lutheran Church (United Lutheran Church in America) council, Monday evening at 7:30.

class room of the Lincoln' school Corner oneiaa ana narris-sis. F. L. Schreckenberg, Minister here. Scheil Bros.

PHONE 200 with Herman J. Frenck, secretary of the civil service board, and Silas Krueeer in charge. Most of the ap First Church Christ Scientist 687 Franklin-st. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

9:15 A. 'M. Sunday school, Edward plicants were Appleton residents. Kuether, superintendent. Interesting Sunday evening service at 8 P.

M. classes for all. 10:30 A. M. Chief ser Subject: "Are Sin, Disease ana ueatn vice.

8:00 P. Monday, regular Real?" Testimonial meeting Wednes RYAN RETIRES FROM JOB monthly meeting of the church coun day evening at 8:00 clock. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. HE HELD FOR TEN YEARS Sunday school is held every Sunday morning at 11:45. Children up to the age of 20 years are welcome.

This John C. Ryan, who has been church also maintains a free read ing room and lending library at rooms financial secretary of the Catholic Order of Foresters for more than ten vears transfers the books and records 16 and 17. Odd Fellows building wmcn THE HAWKEYE CAMERA Makes pictures. Is a well made, substantial camera in every respect. It loads.

in daylight, has automatic shutter for time and snap shot exposures, and a carefully tested meniscus lens of the very first quality. Each camera is thoroughly tested by the Eastman Kodak Co. before it is sent out. are open to the public daily from 2:00 of the court to his successor at the meeting of the Foresters next Tues day evening. Mr.

Ryan refused to accept the of fire for another term because his Just Received A Fresh Shipment of GENUINE CONSOLIDATION ELKHORN COAL GET YOUR ORDER IN WITHOUT DELAY FOR THIS SUPPLY WILL NOT LAST LONG i own business required all his atten tion and Joseph Doerfler was the un animous choice of members as his successor. John Haug Son St. John's Evangelical Church Corner College-ave. and Bennett-st. A.

Janke, Pastor Residence 630 Story-st. PHONE 1503 PHONE 1503 to 5:30 P. except Sundays ana legal holidays. The evening service Is a repetition of the morning service. Presbyterian Church Ernest W.

Wright, pastor 9:45 Sunday school. Classes for men and women. Special students classes. 11:00. Morning service.

Sermon: "The Fault." Solo by Mrs. S. W. Murphy: "Hear Te Not, Israel?" (Dudley Buck.) Anthem by chorus choir. 6:30 Y.

P. S. C. Subject: "Procrastination." Leader, Miss Elizabeth Bond. 7:30.

evening service. Sermon: "The Guide of the Fiery Pathway." People's song service. Solo by Mrs. Boehm: "Evening Prayer," (Helmund.) Anthem. The Salvation Army 897 College-ave.

All are invited to these services. 10:00 A. M. Holiness meeting. 11:00 A.

M. Company meeting. 8:00 P. M. Salvation meeting.

Colonel J. C. Addie, central territorial evangelist of Chicago will speak at all meetings. The colonel will be assisted by Ensign J. W.

Westbrook of Texas. The colonel will deliver his famous lecture on "Modern Miracles." Monday evening at 8:00 P. M. at Meth: odist church on Lawrence-st. You are welcome to this lecture.

St. Matthew's Ev. Lutheran Church (Synodical Conference) Corner Lawrence and Mason-sts. German services at 9:00 A. M.

English sprvices at 10:00 A. M. Sunday Service at A. M. Harvest fes tlvnl.

Collection. Sunday school at OUR GREAT OFFER To anyone opening up a Savings Account to the amount of $10 or more we will present this CAMERA FREE DEPOSIT MUST REMAIN WITH BANK FOR ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF RECEIPT OF CAMERA 11:15 A. M. First Methodist Episcopal Church J. A.

Holmes. Minister Sundav school. 9:30 and 10:00. Morn (tib- worshin. 11:00.

Anthem: "Seek Te the Lord," Roberts; Miss Race and choir: solo: "How Lovely Are Try Dwellings," Liddle. Mr. Alexander: ser mon: "The Unchanging Love," pastor Evening service, Anthem: Je aim. Thou Art Standing." Protheroe INTER-COUNTY BUS LINE Appleton, New London, Hortonvile, Greenville Leave Appleton Leave New London 7:45 A. M.

A. M. 9:45 A. M. 940 A.

M. 12:45 P. M. 12:45 A. M.

8:15 P. M. 3:" P- M- 6:00 P. M. :0 P.

M. Sunday ONLY Sunday ONLY 9:45 A- M. '45 A. M. MS P.

If. 12:45 P. M. 8:45 P. M.

P. M. Saturday and Sunday Nights ONLY Bus Leaves Appleton 8:45 P. M. BANK CITIZENS Hniihlei miartette: solo.

Mrs. Mabel NATIONAL Appleton, Wisconsin Meyer; sermon, pastor. Epworth League, 6:30, Dr. J. C.

Lymer, speak er. Thursday evening, prayer meet In. 7:30. rn Monday evening the Salvation I Armv will hold the last meeting of school at 110 A. M.

We preach the their series of meetings In our audi-toriunx. Everyone is cordilly invit- gospel of ecus first and Hun cruel.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.