The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)

City to Push Tax Probe of Winn and Lovett Mayor Hixon said today he is prepared to "take Winn Lovett food stores, to court if necessary" to financial records opened for sales license tax inspection. City. night Board asked of the City Representatives Treasurer's Office and the Legal Department to move against Winn and Lovett food stores to obtain the tax check. Rep. J.

L. Young Jr. declared "the deadline for inspection of the books--March 1-is past and as of today (March 2) the firm has still not opened its books." Young reminded Board members that a letter from Assistant City Attorney Ralph Marsicano had directed Treasurer Keller "to proceed" against and Lovett if the latter did not open its books for inspection by March 1. The move to check the books of the food store chain here arose from complaints investigated last Fall that all grocery stores in this area were not paying their full share of City license taxes -which are based on reports of gross sales volume made by the individual stores. Attorney Marsicano told The Times today he "was under the impression that attorneys for Winn and Lovett had said the firm would open its records for the City." Marsicano added "any direction for legal action in the matter would have to be initiated in the "Mayor's Office" and the City Board was acting only under its powers as the legisinvestigative, of the City government.

Musical Festival Planned Friday By Nine Schools Nine junior high and elementary schools in the County will participate in a Spring music festival to be held Friday night at 8 o'clock at Jefferson High School auditorjum. Approximately 500 students will take part, Angel Sierra, chairman of the Band Parents Committee of Jefferson High School, said. Proceeds from the concert will go to the Jefferson Band uniform fund. Schools participating are: Buffalo, Lee, Tampa Bay Ybor, tary, and Philip West TamCuesta and Macfarlane, elemenpa and George Washington junior highs. The Jefferson High School Band, under the direction of Robert Scott, will close the program.

It will feature a new march, The Jefferson High School March, ten by Steve Gueriera. POSTMASTER NAMED Washington, March 3 (AP). The Senate has approved the nomination of Thelma S. Speer, for the postmastership at Boca Grande, Fla. Funeral Notices DAMICO, IGNACIO- Funeral services for Mr.

Ignacio Damico, 52, of 2914 17th were held today at 4 P. M. from the A. P. Boza Chapel.

with interment in Colon Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Julia Damico; a son, Carlo Damico; three stepsons, Henry and Mike Cardoso, and Ralph Prats: three sisters, Rosalia Messina, Antonia lenti, and Josephine Gonzalez, and two brothers, Tony and James Damico. FITZGERALD, MRS. services for Margaret Fitzbe gerald, held 66, this of evening 3011 at 9 Jefferson o'clock. will quiem Mass for the repose of the soul will be celebrated Thursday morning at 9:15 o'clock by the Rev.

Father Francis J. Kness, S.J., from the Sacred Heart Church. Interment will be in Myrtle Hill Cemetery. Arrangements in charge of Duval Funeral Home. PEDRERO, DOLORES services for Mrs.

Dolores V. Pedrero, of 3409 15th will be held 4 P. M. from the A. P.

Boza Chapel, tomorrow at with interment in Colon Cemetery. She is survived by her husband, Wenseslao Pedrero; five sons. Eduardo, Evelio, Octavio, Juan and Mario Pedrero. and four daughters, Angelina Pedrero. Felicia Fernandez, Dolores Blanco and Carmela Selbold.

SEYMOUR, FRANCIS MARION- -Funeral services for Francis Marion Seymour, age 33. resident of 9506 Ashley who passed away suddenly Monday at Clearwater, were held this afternoon at 4 o'clock from the chapel of son Sammon Company Funeral Home Wilwith Rev. Charles Moll, pastor of Castle Heights Baptist Church. officiating. Interment was in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Active pallbearers: Fletcher Brannon, Curtis Carter, Joe Connell, Earl Stover, Roy Phillips. Fred MacRae. Honorary pallbearers: Charles Poe, Perry O'Keen, William 0. Stubbs, Charles W. Dean, C.

A. Suarez, C. E. Simpson. TRESNAK, EDWARD services for Mr.

Edward A. Tresnak, 50, of 3824 Obispo were conducted this morning at 10 o'clock from the chapel of the Duval Funeral Home with the Rev. J. Ralph Keene, pastor of the Idlewild Baptist ating. Cremation followed.

Church, offici- WEISER, IVAN E. -Funeral services for Ivan E. "Bud" Weiser, resident of 5603 Florida age 5 58. who passed 1 away Wednesday morning at his residence, will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the chapel of Walters Funeral Home. Interment will in Myrtle HIll Cemetery.

He is be vived i by: His wife, Mrs. Zelma Weiser: surdaughter, Joy Weiser; a brother, G. W. Weiser. Palma Ceia Florist PHONE 64-4181 or 64-2171 If You Suffer With BACKACHE Consult a SPECIALIST! For Appointment DIAL 8-1661 DR.

J. J. WILLIAMS CHIROPRACTOR, 1208 Central In On WDAE-FM, 100.7 Mc. THE TAMPA DAILY TIMES, Spanish Musical Group to Appear Here CORONATION BALL--The internationaly famous Los Chavales De Espana (The Kids From Spain), precision musical aggregation, will highlight the Latin American Fiesta Coronation Ball entertainment here March 27. The "Kids" are making their first Tampa appearance, which climaxes a three-year negotiation by the Latin American Fiesta committee to bring the group to Florida's West Coast.

Featured with the group is Trini Reyes, billed as the world's greatest flamenco dancer. Services Held For Fire Victims Funeral services were held this morning for Mr. and Mrs. John Chester Monrose, who burned to death when their home at 205 S. Fielding burned early yesterday morning.

Following services at Sacred Heart Church, burial took place at Myrtle Hill Cemetery. Arrangements were handled by A. P. Boza Funeral Home. Mrs.

Monrose, is survived by a sister. Mr. Monrose, also 44, is survived by three brothers, E. W. Monrose Tampa; H.

Marion Monrose, St. Petersburg, and J. George Monrose, Tampa; three sisters, Mrs. Earl J. Moore, Tampa; Mrs.

Alma M. Blount, Tampa, and Mrs. Norman Bie, Indian Rocks. Deaths IGNACIO DAMICO Ignacio Damico, 52, 2914 17th died yesterday afternoon at a local hospital. He is survived by his widow, Mrs.

Julia Damico; a son, Carlo Damico; three stepsons, Henry and Mike Cardoso and Ralph Prats; three sisters, Rosalia Messina, Antonia Valenti and Josephine Gonzalez, and two brothers, Tony and James Damico. He was a native of Tampa and was connected with the County school maintenance department. MRS. MARGARET FITZGERALD Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald, 66, 3011 Jefferson died yesterday at her residence.

A native of Limerick, Ireland, she had resided here for the last 35 years. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Anne Wilson, Tampa; brother, P. J. Colbert, Tampa; a grandchild and a great grandchild.

MRS. DOLORES PEDRERO Mrs. Dolores V. Pedrero, 81, 3409 15th died yesterday at a local hospital. She is survived by her widower, Wenseslao Pedrero; five sons, Eduardo, Evelio, Octavio, Juan and Mario Pedrero; four daughters, Angelina Pedrero; Felicia Fernandez, Dolores Blanco and Carmela Seibold; 13 grandchildren; three brothers, Aurelio, Lorenzo Alberto Valdez, ters; Adolfina, Amanda, Angelina and Josefa Valdez.

IVAN E. WEISER Ivan E. (Bud) Weiser, 58, 5603 Florida died this morning at his residence. A native of Cardlington, Ohio, he had lived here for the last 30 years, and was a well-known and musician. He is survived Mrs.

barber, Zelma M. Weiser: one daughter, Miss Joy and one brother, G. W. ali of Tampa. Weiser, Fort Lauderdale Edmund H.

Parker, 80, retired builder from Clawson, who came here four years ago. Hollywood, Fla. Herbert C. Gutzler, 64, retired insurance man from New York. Fort Lauderdale.

Clarence H. Nunneley, 75, Winter visitor from Algonac, Mich. He was president of the C. H. Nunneley Detroit, caterers.

Asuncion, Felipe Molas Lopez, 54, former president of Paraguay. Died Tuesday. San Rafael, H. Harvey, 85, former automotive advertising manager for the Detroit News. Died Tuesday.

New York. -Dr. Douglas Smith Anderson, engineering 82, former dean of the school of Tulane Uni- versity. Died Tuesday. -Maj.

Gen. P. Krutovskikhn, 53, a veteran years service in the Red London. -Lt. Gen.

Assen Kirilov Grekov, Bulgaria's assistant minister of national defense. Died Tuesday. 2-2137 Larson Call 24-0491 the FLORIST AMBULANCE SERVICE DUVALE FUNERAL 3806 Nebraska Avenue Phone ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1954 Mitchell Hits Republicans In Pinellas Talk (Continued From Page 1) serted, "Running the Government with McCarthy on the loose is like trying to land an airplane with a loose bomb rattling around in the cargo compartment." "Would McCarthy be pushing the administration around if Harry Truman was still in the White House?" asked Mitchell. "Crusade That Failed" The audience thundered out "No" and applauded loudly. Mitchell labeled Eisenhower's administration, "the crusade that failed." More than 900 Pinellas Democrats attended the meeting held in Petersburg Coliseum.

Party leaders called the assembly the most promising since Republicans first began to dominate the county in 1950. Gubernatorial candidate Brailey Odham was present and a telegram was received from Acting Gov. Johns expressing regret that official duties kept him away. Peterson Speaks Mitchell was introduced by former Congressman J. Hardin Peterson who termed the meeting "a deluge that will engulf this and other West Coast counties and restore them to Democratic ranks." Congressman Courtney Campbell spoke briefly.

He said all Democratic Congressmen admired and respected Mitchell and that a new unity had developed in national Democratic ranks. Ice Age Creatures In Chesapeake Bay along the shores of Chesapeake Bay has not changed much since the ice age -geologically speaking. Oysters, clams, crabs and other forms of marine life are still extant though not concentrated in the same habitat. Sites studied in southern Maryland counties by Dr. S.

F. Blake of the Department of Agriculture, yielded fossils dating from the early Pleistocene Age. The species found are typical of those along the coast from the Gulf of Mexico northward. TROUSERS IN CONTEMPT Verviers, Belgium (AP). A Verviers judge refused to hear the testimony of a woman in a legal case because she was wearing trousers.

The judge said he considered the trousers a contempt of court. Tune In On WDAE, 1250 5000 Watts, Columbia Network National Democratic Head Welcomed TAMPA HOSPITALITY -Stephen A. Mitchell, (center) chairman of the Democratic National Committee, was met at the airport here yesterday by lovely Constance Marie Felicione, maid in the Latin Fiesta Queen's court, and Mayor Hixon, in behalf of the City of Tampa. Mitchell was enroute to St. Petersburg where he spoke last night to 900 Democrats on the prospects of electing a Democratic Congress in 1954.

-Times Photo. Trucks Hauling Florida Citrus Direct to User Orlando, March 3 (AP). Fifteen pickup trucks loaded with ungraded and unsized oranges and grapefruit left here today in a convoy billed as the "Freedom Cavalcade of Florida Citrus Growers." The trucks are driven by small citrus growers who seek to sell their fruit direct to consumers without having the fruit processed in packing houses. They hope to get better prices by by-passing the. packing houses.

Head of the caravan is Barney Cohen, president of the Florida Independent Citrus Growers Association, an organization of small grove owners. Last of the trucks, all containing bushel sacks of the left here at 9:30 A. M. The first stop was to be Ocala, then Williston and a late a afternoon stop is to be made at Tallahassee. Sheriff's offices along the way will escort the convoy.

Cohen contends "there's nothing in the federal marketing agreement that says fruit can't be handled this way." Woman Charged In Bolita Case City Vice Squad, making a routine check on beverage licenses yesterday, arrested a Negro woman of Martha's Duck Inn, 3730 29th and charged her with possession of bolita. Bond on Martha Larry was set at $500. Detective Sgt. Walter Heinrich and Detective Jake Mason said they found several bolita slips after they searched for and could not immediately find the woman's beverage license. Her case was continued in Municipal Court today to March 25.

Home Exemption Deadline April 1 Approximately 15,000 Hillsborough County home owners have not yet filed their homestead exemptions, the Tax Assessor's office reported today. The deadline for securing this exemption is April 1. After that date, no homestead exemption application can be taken. There are no lines at the Court House today and exemptions may be filed few seconds. If the 15,000 who have not filed wait until the last minute, lines will be long, it was declared.

New Ordinance Seen C. After Hixon's Veto City Board of Representatives last night took no further action on Mayor Hixon's veto of an alley closure here which did not assure a City utilities right-ofway. The Board indicated it will draw of incorporating the utilup ordinance for closure theother ities easem*nt requested by the Mayor. The alley is T-shaped and runs east and west between Nebraska and 10th avenues and north and south between Eskimo and Yukon streets. Johns Names Eilers Tampa Area Manager Dwight M.

Eiler, president of Gulf Food Stores, has been named Charley E. John's campaign mana ager for the Tampa area. Dewell Rushing, operator of the Gator Collecting Agency, was appointed office manager. James G. Edward, CPA, has been named treasurer.

Johns' headquarters is' being maintained in the Hinson Building, on the northeast corner of Franklin and Madison streets. TERMITES We Kill 'Em! F. W. ALBRIGHT, Laboratories 4011 Florida Ave. Ph.

32-0111 City Stockade Facilities for Ill Prisoners Sought Miss Kathleen Hooper, director of Tampa's Crime Prevention Bureau, today asked the City Sanitary Department to make some arrangements to separate sick prisoners at the City Stockade from other inmates. Miss Hooper said something had to be done about the situation which is becoming more severe every day. The Stockade, which is administered the Sanitary Department, has never had any facilities to take care of sick prisoners, especially those with contagious diseases, Miss Hooper said. A recent example was that of a prisoner who was suffering from tuberculosis and could not be separated from the rest of the prisoners. Miss Hooper said the department has offered to cooperate insofar as the budget will allow this year and that some permanent will have to be made for the future.

Senators Delay Consideration Of Hawaii Bill Washington, March 3 (AP). Hawaiian statehood remained technically the Senate's unfinished business today, but Majority Leader Knowland indicates it may the first of next week before debate begins. Knowland announced yesterday he plans to take up Commodity Credit Corp. legislation today, followed by consideration of the Mexican farm labor bill. Debate on Hawaii, he said, may begin Friday although there is a possibility the Senate will recess from Thursday evening until Monday to permit members to put in some time in their offices before the expected lengthy statehood debate begins.

Hawaiian statehood technically became the Senate's unfinished business last Friday evening at conclusion of the deliberations on the Bricker amendment. Senator Anderson (D. -N. immediately introduced Alaska statehood measure as amendment to the an Hawaii bill. The question has stood there since.

Routine legislation occupied the Senate both Monday and yesterday. U. S. Tax Office Extends Hours With the deadline for filing income tax returns nearing, the local office of the U. S.

Internal Revenue Service today announced plans for maintaining longer office hours for taxpayer assistance. The office, at Tampa, usually operates on a five-day week from 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M.

The office will also be open on March 8 through March 12 from 8:30 A.M. to 7 P. on Saturday, March 13. from 8:30 A. P.

M. and Monday, March 15, 8:30 A. M. to midnight. Agents will be on duty to assist taxpayers in preparing their returns during the longer office hours.

Internal Revenue officials point out that all taxpayers seeking assistance at the Revenue office should bring all Form W-2's, together with records of income and business expenses. Taxpayers, especially with rental or business income. can also facilitate the filing of their returns if they bring their duplicate copy of last year's tax return. has CHANGE IN FOOD As compared with 1939, the average American in being 1953 ate of 1250 percent more frozen vegetables, 900 percent more baby foods, 738 percent more frozen fruit and fruit juices, 218 percent more canned fruit juices, 80 permore canned soup and 71 percent more ice cream. Say you saw it in The Tampa Daily Times.

Classified Ads are taken for the same day's publication up to 10 A M. Business Block Leased to Texan A downtown Tampa business block has been leased for a 15- year period to a Texas couple, according to J. L. Hearin, Tampa Realtor who handled the transaction. The block, bounded by Polk, Marion, Zack and Morgan on which the DeSoto Hotel is situated, was leased Monday to Mr.

and Mrs. Durel Caruthers of Texas at undisclosed rental terms, said Hearin. He said hotel would continue under the present management with the same personnel. The leased area contains, in addition to the hotel, a night club and several other business buildings. Owners of the property are Clyde Atkinson, Tallahassee attorney, his wife, and Olan Hamilton, West Palm Beach real estate broker and his wife.

Girl Scout Gifts Going to Korea Editor Uses Auto As News Office Mary Hill Long, 60, worked for the Statesville Daily for 20 years. It was sold last Spring, leaving Mrs. Long jobless. Using her saving ings only to buy stamps, she packed her typewriter in the back seat of her car and started publishing the weekly, four-page "County News." The back seat serves as news room, office and mailing department. The paper is printed in nearby Mocksville.

"I'm not competing with anyone," she said, "I just felt there was a place for a newspaper of this type." Her readers agreed. Now Mrs. Long, who has hired a business manager, plans to expand her 'newspaper on wheels. Girl Scout Week, March 7-13, will be observed by the Hillsborough County Girl Scouts, celebratthe 42nd anniversary of the organization, with the sending of gifts to the children of Korea. As a gesture of friendship and goodwill, local Scouts will send kits filled with small, useful articles.

A birthday celebration will be held at 3 P. M. Sunday at Municipal Auditorium, for Scouts, parents and friends. DRIVER SENTENCED Judge Hendry in County Traffic Court sentenced Willie Clayton Crews, 6906 N. Oregon, to' pay a fine of $100 or serve 30 days in jail after County traffic officers testified Crews was driving his lice cream wagon while drunk.

First Step to IN MANY families the first step toward financial security is a life insurance policy. Life Insurance Company of Georgia has helped many thousands of southern families take this first step. Life of Georgia protection for them now totals more than a billion dollars. Their insurance is backed by sound company management. Financial Report in Brief AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1953 LIFE INSURANCE IN FORCE $1,060,689,567 Gain of $133,104,704 in one year ASSETS $94,205,212 Increase of $14,335,572 over 1952 PAID POLICYHOLDERS AND BENEFICIARIES $10,541,464 LIABILITIES $81,770,341 Liabilities include policy reserves SURPLUS FUNDS AND CAPITAL $12,434,871 LiFE Insurance empany318 Stovall Professional Bldg, 413 Memorial Highway Division Office District Office R.

J. Martin, Manager H. G. Lloyd, Manager INSURES THE SOUTH SINCE 1891 Tampa, Ph. 2-2068 HOME AT.

The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.